The source for labor market and demographic information

This website provides a wide variety of labor market and demographic information for Arizona, including: local area employment and unemployment statistics; occupation and industry employment estimates and projections; wage survey data; population data; and more. Contact us by phone or email if you need any assistance finding data:

Phone: 602-771-2222

Email for labor related questions:

Email for population related questions:

U.S. Census Bureau's Economic Census

2012 Economic Census.  Your Response Makes a Difference.  Learn More

The Economic Census is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. It is the U.S. Government’s official five-year measure of American business and the economy.

More than 4 million employer businesses will receive Economic Census forms between October and December, 2012.

Learn more at

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Arizona Workforce Employment Report


Seasonal Losses in Government and Private Sector; January Unemployment Rate Edged up to 8.0%  (PDF)


2011-2013 Industry Projections

Arizona Employment Growth Continues on a Modest Track; Improvement in 2013 (PDF)

2010-2020 Industry Projections

Arizona Statewide, Phoenix MSA, Tucson MSA & Balance of State XLS | PDF