NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

06 Jul. 200912 Jul. 2009

Summer Academy in Tajikistan focuses on security and cooperation

The fifth edition of the NATO Summer Academy in Tajikistan was held in the Romit district from 6 to 12 July. Organised by the Information, Education and Cultural Center Vector Intellect in collaboration with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, the event aims at highlighting common challenges to security and cooperation chances for future young leaders.

The Academy brought together students from across Central Asia to meet with academics, diplomats and representatives from international organisations such as the OSCE, the EU and NATO as the main contributor and partner.

Discussions centered on NATO’s Partnership for Peace Programme, the Alliance’s role in Central Asia and in Afghanistan and perspectives for developments in the wider region as well as NATO’s public diplomacy engagement.

An award ceremony took place at the end of the week, along with a visit to the French Air Detachment in Dushanbe.

Last updated: 17-Jul-2009 08:24
