NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

10 Nov. 2011

NATO boosts energy solutions for the military

More than 200 energy experts from NATO, partner countries and the private sector gathered on 10 November 2011 in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius to discuss technologies for making the military less dependent on fossil fuel. The conference “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications” focussed on measures to increase the effectiveness and improve the security of future military missions, while reducing the military’s carbon footprint.

"Slowly but surely, new technologies will allow us to change the way we plan our missions, procure equipment, and conduct campaigns.  Solar power and microgrids for bases, better insulation for mobile camps, fuel cells to power the equipment of individual soldiers, biofuels for military vehicles – the possibilities are endless", Ambassador Gábor Iklódy, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges said. “We are not investing in energy saving and environmentally friendly technologies because they are “politically correct”. We are investing in them because they make sense: they are the key to success in our military missions.“

The event was organised by NATO, the Lithuanian Energy Security Centre and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This workshop is funded through NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme. For more information, visit (see “Calendar” for organisers’ contact details).

Last updated: 17-Nov-2011 13:15

