NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

23 Nov. 2008

NATO hosts briefing on improvised explosive device

The fifth ISAF Improvised Explosive Device (IED) briefing took place from 24 to 25 November at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. Participants from NATO and Partner troop contributing nations to ISAF met to exchange information on the current IED threat, including best tactics, training procedures and the latest technological counter-measures.

The briefing emphasized the need to exploit emerging and existing technologies to improve NATO’s capability to detect IEDs and to prevent and control the detonation of explosives. These counter-IED technologies were highlighted in an associated exhibition which displayed a variety of systems including X-ray detection, robotic reconnaissance equipment, as well as chemical and radiological detection technologies. 

As a major forum bringing together NATO and national experts, as well as leaders and trainers of combat forces preparing to deploy to Afghanistan, the IED briefing is a major contributor to the Alliance’s efforts to mitigate the IED threat. This has led, among others, to the addition of the Non-Lethal Capabilities initiative to the Conference of National Armaments Directors’ (CNAD) Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work.