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Welcome to Space Place Live!

Click here to watch Merav Opher on Space Place Live.

Merav Opher, astrophysicist

An astrophysicist is a scientist who studies how stars work, starting with our own star, the Sun. Merav Opher is especially interested in what the two Voyager spacecraft are learning way out at the very edge of our solar system.

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Click here to watch Don Burnett on Space Place Live.

Don Burnett, geochemist

A geochemist is a chemist who studies rocks. Our guest in this episode,Don Burnett, is the principal investigator on the Genesis mission. He helped to catch the solar wind, bringing samples of the Sun back to Earth. He explains how the mission worked, what it is teaching us about how the solar system formed, and how rocks that fall from space got him interested in science.

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Click here to watch Andre Dress on Space Place Live.

Andre Dress, space engineer

How can a satellite stay put over the same spot on Earth? Learn from Andre Dress, one of the people in charge of building them. Find out all about the eyes in the sky that give us the big picture of weather on Earth and on the Sun–and why science is harder than science fiction.

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Click here to watch Linda Herrell on Space Place Live.

Linda Herrell, space mission architect

Not all architects design buildings. In this episode, you will meet Linda Herrell, architect of space missions! Find out how a love of French and Spanish led her to a love of computers and space technology-and what artsy hobby she picked to use her special design skills.

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Click here to watch Michelle Thaller on Space Place Live.

Michelle Thaller, astronomer

Meet Michelle Thaller, an astronomer with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Find out what movie and what TV show first inspired Michelle to become an astronomer. You'll also learn Michelle's very favorite amazing fact about space.

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Click here to watch Donya Douglas on Space Place Live.

Donya Douglas, thermal engineer

Meet Donya Douglas, a thermal engineer from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. She always wanted to be an engineer. She never doubted that she could do it. Learn how her team found ways to keep three miniature spacecraft not too hot and not too cold in the harsh environment of space.

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Click here to watch Chris Martin on Space Place Live.

Chris Martin, physicist

Our guest is Dr. Chris Martin, , a professor of physics at Caltech and leader of the NASA space mission, Galaxy Evolution Explorer. He's taken his love of map-making and exploration and uses it to map the universe and explore the birth of stars.

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Click here to watch Deborah Vane on Space Place Live.

Deb Vane, physicist

Meet our guest Deborah Vane, . She's a physicist who always loved astronomy, came to NASA to work on a Mars robot lander mission, and then got interested in Earth studies too. Now she's a scientist on the CloudSat Mission and is here to tell us all about it.

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Click here to watch Karsten Danzmann on Space Place Live.

Karsten Danzmann, physicist

All the way from Germany to chat with us is Dr. Karsten Danzmann, who works with Dr. Kip Thorne (see below) on the LISA mission. Find out how it was not school, but TV that inspired Karsten to explore the universe.

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Click here to watch Kip Thorne on Space Place Live.

Kip Thorne, physicist

Our guest is Dr. Kip Thorne, physicist and author of the popular book "Black Holes & Time Warps." We will find out what he's doing now, how he became a scientist, and what he likes to do for fun.

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