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Press Week Ahead, July 18-July 24, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ambassador Kirk will travel to Denver, Colorado to discuss job creation through global trade and to attend the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum

Denver, Colorado

Please contact Matthew Lawrence for available press opportunities at

Ambassador Sapiro will meet with European Parliament Internal Market Committee Chair Mr. Malcolm Harbour

Washington, D.C.

Closed Press

Ambassador Siddiqui will deliver the keynote address to the United States Grains Council’s 50th Annual Meeting

Boston, MA

Open Press

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ambassador Kirk and Ambassador Sapiro will travel to Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa, Canada

Please contact Matthew Lawrence for available press opportunities at

Ambassador Marantis will attend WITA’s annual awards dinner honoring Senator Max Baucus and Ambassador John Huntsman

Washington, D.C.

Open Press

Please contact Matthew Lawrence for available press opportunities at

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ambassador Kirk will travel to Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Please contact Matthew Lawrence for available press opportunities at

Ambassador Siddiqui will deliver remarks to the American Meat Institute’s International Trade Committee meeting.

Washington, D.C.

Closed Press

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ambassador Marantis will travel to Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Please contact Matthew Lawrence for available press opportunities at


*Additional events may be announced throughout the week.