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Ambassador Marantis Holds Meetings on Bilateral Issues with Indonesian Officials

02/08/2010 - 10:40am

During his final day in Jakarta, Deputy United States Trade Representative Marantis held a series of meetings on trade, investment, and environmental issues. Focusing on bilateral trade and investment, Ambassador Marantis met with the chair of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board, Gita Wirjawan, the Minister of Health, Dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, and senior officials of the Ministry of Communications and Information.

Turning to the environment, Ambassador Marantis had a positive and productive discussion of ways to combat illegal logging and associated trade with Forestry Minister Hasan. They agreed on the importance of working with other countries to address the trade aspects of illegal logging, and both confirmed plans to convene a regional dialogue meeting in the United States in April or May.

Finally, on regional trade issues, Ambassador Marantis met with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretary General Dr. Surin. The ten member country ASEAN collectively represents the fifth largest U.S. trading partner, and has its secretariat in Jakarta. Ambassador Marantis and Dr. Surin explored new topics they could address in the ASEAN-United States Trade and Investment Framework Arrangement.

Tonight, Ambassador Marantis departs Indonesia for Africa.

Ambassador Marantis and Pitsuwan

Ambassador Marantis with ASEAN) Secretary General Dr. Surin.

Ambassador Marantis and Forestry Minister Hasan

Ambassador Marantis with Forestry Minister Hasan.