NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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14 Sep. 2012 - 16 Sep. 2012

NATO CHODs discuss NATO's post 2014 role in Afghanistan

At their Military Committee (MC) Conference in Sibiu, the 28 NATO Chiefs of Defence (CHODS) based their discussions on Afghanistan upon the NATO Strategic Plan for Afghanistan (NSPA) which was endorsed by Heads of State and Government at the Chicago Summit in May. The Plan provides the foundation for the NATO-led post-ISAF engagement in the country.

14 Sep. 2012 - 16 Sep. 2012

Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper elected as new Director General IMS

Sibiu, Romania, 15 September - Today, the Chiefs of Defence of the 28 NATO nations elected Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper of the United Kingdom as the new Director General of the International Military Staff (DGIMS) at NATO Headquarters. The DGIMS is elected among his peers, the NATO Military Representatives, to head the Alliance’s International Military Staff, for a term of 3 years. Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper will assume his new function in summer 2013.

14 Sep. 2012 - 16 Sep. 2012

Military Committee takes forward Chicago Summit decisions

Sibiu, 15 September,- Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) and Military Representatives (MRs) of the twenty-eight NATO countries concluded the Military Committee Conference in the city of Sibiu, Romania, hosted by the Romanian Chief of Defence, General Stefan Danila.

05 Sep. 2012 - 07 Sep. 2012

Chairman Military Committee welcomes Ukraine's offer to Operation Ocean Shield

Kyiv, 7 September 2012, - Gen. Knud Bartels, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, visited Ukraine from 5 to 7 September for a series of high level talks on Ukraine Defence reform and NATO-Ukraine operational cooperation.

02 Jan. 2012

General Knud Bartels starts as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Brussels, 02 January - Today, Danish General Knud Bartels assumed his position as Chairman of NATO 's Military Committee, for which he was elected by NATO’s 28 Chiefs of Defence on 17 September 2011. General Bartels succeeds the Italian Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola.

18 Nov. 2011

Chairman of the Military Committee farewells NATO

NATO HQ Brussels, 18 Nov 2011 - Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola today said farewell to NATO’s Military Committee, leaving his position as its Chairman to return to Italy as the newly appointed Minister of Defence.

16 Nov. 2011

Statement by NATO Secretary General on the appointment of Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola as Italian Defence Minister

I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, on his appointment as Defence Minister of the Republic of Italy.

04 Nov. 2011

Admiral Di Paola discusses NATO’s new challenges at ISPI Institute

Milan (Italy), 4 Nov 2011 - Admiral Di Paola, Chairman of NATO Military Committee, met today with a large audience of professors and master students at the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), to discuss the current agenda and main activities of the Alliance.

17 Sep. 2011

New Chairman of the Military Committee elected

Seville (Spain) -- NATO’s 28 Chiefs of Defense elected today the new Chairman of the Military Committee (CMC) General Knud Bartels, Danish Army, currently Chief of the Danish Defence.

08 Sep. 2011

NATO and partners will stay committed to Kosovo

NATO’s Military Committee (MC), led by Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, visited Kosovo on 8 September where it was welcomed by Major General Erhard Bühler, Commander of KFOR on his last official working day as COMKFOR. He informed the highest military representatives of NATO member states on the latest developments in Kosovo, especially in the North.