Supporting P-12 Reform News
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May 22, 2009

Secretary Duncan Asks: Will California Lead or Retreat in Public K-12 Education's Race for the Top?

SAN FRANCISCO -- Three days after California voters rejected ballot measures to restore state funding for public schools, U.S.

May 19, 2009

More Than $765 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Indiana to Save Teaching Jobs and Drive Education Reform

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $765 million is now available for Indiana under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts.

May 19, 2009

$111 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Rhode Island to Save Teaching Jobs and Drive Education Reform

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that $111 million is now available for Rhode Island under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts.

May 19, 2009

$635 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Tennessee to Save Teaching Jobs and Drive Education Reform

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that $635 million is now available for Tennessee under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts.

May 19, 2009

Secretary Duncan Sets Tone for 'Race to the Top' By Naming Innovative New Leader

Citing a track record of innovative ideas with rapid and effective implementation, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that Joanne Weiss will lead development of the "Race to the Top Fund" to catalyze innovation and restore America's global leadership in public K-12 education.

May 18, 2009

Secretary Duncan Urges "States to Act Now" and Submit Stimulus Fund Applications

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today urged states to submit applications for State Fiscal Stabilization Funds as quickly as possible, saying teaching jobs are at risk and reforms must move forward.

May 14, 2009

U.S. Education Secretary Delivers Commencement Address at St. Michael's College and Continues "Listening And Learning" Tour in Vermont

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan traveled to Vermont today to deliver the commencement address at St. Michael's College in Burlington and then continued his "Listening and Learning: A Conversation About Education Reform" tour at two schools in Burlington and Westford.

May 13, 2009

U.S. Education Secretary Takes "Listening and Learning" Tour to Detroit

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan traveled to Detroit today to meet with students, community leaders and elected officials to hear their ideas for education reform and how the federal government can help advance reforms in their community and throughout the state. The trip was the Secretary's second stop on his "Listening and Learning: A Conversation About Education Reform" tour.

May 12, 2009

More than $1.8 Billion in Recovery Funds Now Available for Florida to Save Teaching Jobs and Drive Education Reform

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $1.8 billion is now available for Florida under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts.

May 11, 2009

Duncan Wants Title I Dollars to Drive Education Reform

Education Secretary Arne Duncan today told a leading think tank that the Obama administration is changing the federal Title I program to aggressively drive reform in schools that need it the most.

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