United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

Travels With Panetta
Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta

February 2012
Panetta Attends NATO Meeting,
Visits Germany



Top Stories

Panetta Calls for Europe,
NATO Defense Investment

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta today called for European nations to match the United States’ vote of confidence in the transatlantic partnership, through investment in common defense and commitment to a long-term solution in Afghanistan. Story

Panetta Pays Tribute to
Military Nurses in Germany

“I’m here to pay tribute to you,” Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta told nurses and other medical professionals here today. Story

U.S. Defense Secretary Outlines
‘State of DOD’ to Troops

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta paused between a NATO defense ministerial and the annual Munich security conference to visit with U.S. troops at Ramstein Air Base and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. Story

Senior Official Sums Up
NATO Defense Meetings

The NATO defense meetings that concluded this morning in Brussels were “very productive” on alliance issues ranging from Afghanistan to Kosovo to smart defense, a senior defense official told reporters traveling with Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta. Story

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Travel Locations

U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Brussels, Munich

About the Secretary

Leon Edward Panetta was sworn in as the 23rd defense secretary on July 1, 2011. In the course of his duties, the secretary will travel throughout the world visiting U.S. military forces in deployed locations and meeting with defense counterparts in allied and partner nations. Biography