Department of Defense - Updated

Version 1.1 of the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Open Government Plan includes improvements that bring the plan closer into line with the requirements of the Open Government Directive (OGD), yet there are significant actions that the agency could take to further strengthen its Plan. For example, while it is encouraging that DoD's working group is setting goals to release additional high value data sets, the Plan could do a better job of showcasing its high value data and finding innovative way to promote them to stakeholders. Along the same lines, while the revised plan incorporates specific dates for agency actions, and sets up email alerts and RSS feeds for the public to be informed of upcoming opportunities for participation, the plan would be further strengthened by going beyond outlining a new social media policy and online airshow booking system to give the public opportunities to participate in core mission activities that specifically deal with accountability, such as weapons testing and contracting. Additionally, the plan would benefit from a thorough effort by DOD to identify internal management and administrative policies that could be changed to increase participation of the public and other DoD stakeholders.

View the original evaluation here.

If you any think part of the agency's plan is impressive, or you have concrete suggestions on how the agency could improve its plan, please share your ideas with us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Feedback - Defense

Subpages (1): Department of Defense