Plans and Reports

This page features quick links to the most recently published Department of Defense performance related plans and reports.

Customer Service Plan
Within 180 days of the date of Executive Order 13571,“Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service”, the Department of Defense was required to develop, in consultation with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a Customer Service Plan to address how the agency will provide services in a manner that seeks to streamline service delivery and improve the experience of its customers.Further information on this federal effort can be found at

Click here to access plan
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the “congressional watchdog,” GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars and records its findings in “reports”, often called “blue books,” and testimony before Congress.

All unclassified DoD GAO reports are available to the public. However, congressional requesters of GAO work are allowed to restrict reports for up to 30 days before public release. This restriction can sometimes mean that the public release date of the report is up to 30 days after the publication date. That is why you can see a report listed on the site released today that has a publication date well before today.

Click here to access report
National Military Strategy (NMS)
The NMS emphasizes that the Joint Force will redefine America’s military leadership to adapt to a challenging new era. It identifies trends in the strategic environment, explains how e will address them, and articulates regional and functional ability priorities. This Strategy will serve as the foundation for the annual Chairman’s Risk Assessment. This Strategy also acknowledges that while tough near-term choices must be made during this era of broader economic constraints, we will continue to invest in our people and our families. Click here to access report
Strategic Management Plan (SMP)
The DoD Strategic Management Plan (SMP) is the highest-level plan for improving DoD’s business operations. This plan establishes management goals for business operations linked to the Department’s overarching strategic goals and objectives. Click here to access plan

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DoD Open Government Officials

The Honorable Elizabeth A. McGrath
Deputy Chief Management Officer
Senior Accountable DoD Official

Mr. David M. Wennergren
Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer

Open Government Plan

DoD Open Government Plan v2.1

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