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Japanese-American Vets Earn Highest Civilian Honor

By C. Todd Lopez
Army News Service

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2011 – Hundreds of former soldiers wearing blue and red caps bearing the names of their World War II units walked, shuffled or were wheeled into the Capitol Visitors Center here yesterday to witness the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal awarded for their bravery and contribution to country more than 66 years ago.

The Japanese-American soldiers are the American-born sons of parents who emigrated from Japan to the United States from Japan. In Japanese, they are called Nisei -- the second generation.

But those soldiers are all American, and fought for the United States during World War II as part of segregated, all-Japanese-American units that included the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service. The three units together were the most decorated units of that war.

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese-Americans had been rounded up and were forced to live in internment camps inside the United States. They were branded enemies of their own country.

"For Japanese-Americans, the days and months after Pearl Harbor must have seemed like a giant and painful step backward," said U.S. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio. "Removed from their homes and placed in camps, these loyal Americans endured years of discomfort and disgrace. But out of this story of prejudice comes another story that reaffirms America's worth and America's exceptionalism. Today, we honor the thousands of Japanese-Americans who served in the Army's three units we honor today, most of whom were recruited during their internment."

These Japanese-American soldiers, Boehner said, distinguished themselves in nearly every operation in every theater of World War II.

"On behalf of my colleagues and the American people, thank you for fighting to make this the greatest nation on Earth, and God bless all of you for all of your work," Boehner said.

U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, a Medal of Honor recipient, was among the Congressional Gold Medal recipients. As a Nisei himself, he served as part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II.

After Pearl Harbor, Inouye said, Japanese-Americans like himself were not satisfied to sit and do nothing while America fought. They petitioned the government for an opportunity to demonstrate their love of country and patriotism. Today, those soldiers are recognized for their commitment to the United States, Inouye said.

"This has been a long journey, and a glorious one," the senator said. "We wish to thank all of you, all Americans, for this recognition. It's heartwarming, and I am certain that I speak for all assembled here. But more importantly, I'm certain that those resting in cemeteries are pleased with this day."

U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer of California participated in getting the legislation passed to allow the medal to be presented to the veterans.

"Granting this medal is a long-overdue honor which recognizes and expressed our long-overdue appreciation for your dedicated service during World War II," Boxer told those in attendance. She said those service members fought the war on two fronts: the enemy in combat and prejudice at home.

"While we can never repay the debt that we owe you, we can and we must recognize your valor and your patriotism, and that is what we are doing here today," Boxer said.

U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona said America's Nisei veterans of World War II did "everything that was ever asked of them, and more.”

“And what is most remarkable,” he added, “is that they did so despite the fact that our nation at times fell short of its responsibilities to them and Americans like them."

McCain said he and his fellow legislators are appreciative and proud of the Japanese-American veterans’ World War II service and patriotism.

"It's not every day that the leaders and members of Congress have an opportunity to put aside our usual difference over the impending business of the day to join together with bipartisan unanimity to pay tribute to fellow citizens who have served a just cause greater than their own self-interests," McCain said. "When it comes to honoring those among us who have given everything to protect our nation, Americans have always and will always stand as one, just as we do today."

U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California noted that the gathering to award the Congressional Gold Medal was not complete, as many of the soldiers who served were killed in combat or have died since the end of World War II.

"We remember those for whom today came too late, and we particularly honor those who never came home," Pelosi said. "In battle, today's awardees proved that they were great fighters. In their service, they proved they were great patriots. Your cause was not just the end of fascism, but promoted the end of discrimination -- the American ideal of equality, which is our heritage and our hope."

The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian award that’s bestowed by the U.S. government. Veterans in attendance at the ceremony receive a bronze replica of the medal. A single gold medal will be placed in the Smithsonian Institution for all Americans to see.

More than 33,000 Japanese-Americans served in World War II. Together, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team earned seven Presidential Unit Citations, two Meritorious Service Plaques, 36 Army Commendation Medals, and 87 Division Commendations. Individually, soldiers earned 21 Medals of Honor, 29 Distinguished Service Crosses, one Distinguished Service Medal, more than 354 Silver Stars, and more than 4,000 Purple Hearts.

Related Sites:
Photo Essay: Nisei World War II Veterans Receive Tribute

Related Articles:
Japanese-American Vets Receive Bronze Star Medals


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11/3/2011 7:21:40 PM
I was 2 1/2 years old when our family was forced out of our home in San Francisco and transported us to Topaz, Utah, one of the ten camps Pres. Roosevelt established because he thought we were the enemy. Our only guilt was we looked like the enemy. I am proud to say that at the end of the war not one of us was found guilty of disloyalty. After the gates of the ten camps were closed at the end of the war, we were given $25 each and we had no place to eat or sleep. Most of us were home-less but I am proud to say that rather than committing crimes, we chose to keep our dignity, study hard, work hard and now our generation has become successful, not so much in wealth, but we pay our bills on time and we are responsible citizens of our wonderful country that I truly appreciate and love. I am proud to be an American. I am so appreciative of the legacy my parents has left us and now that I am a grandmother I want to pass on this legacy to my grandchildren and future generation.
- Alice Hirai, Ogden, Utah

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