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Armed Forces Crossroads
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DoD Installations » Need information about a base?
» Considering a new assignment?
» Leaving soon on Temporary Duty?
» Want to compare bases?
Find out all about any of over 300 major installations in DoD – with information provided by the bases themselves, and much more!
Spouse Network Air Force Spouses! The Spouse Forum is your place!
» Want advice from your peers about a life issue - kids, pets, spouse, family, career...?
» Need to learn more about life in the Air Force?
» Moving to a new base and looking for friends?
Try the Spouse Forum
And... you can check out the News and Views area for hot news and important information.

Education » College bound?
» Need a scholarship?
» Want to know about home schooling?
» Have a special-needs student in your family?
» Need help moving with school-aged children?
The Education section offers help and resources on these issues and more...

Parenting It's not easy being a parent! In this section you'll find parents' resources, parenting guides, and a lot of help and useful advice. You can learn how to improve your skills, find the latest word on safety issues, get help with special problems and issues, and much more!

Casualty & Loss Lost a loved one? Visit this section for help with loss, the grieving process, support groups, survivor benefits information, and more.

Teens & Youth Here's a universe of things to do: useful tools for your homework and paper-writing projects, video games, sport and art activities, and a bunch of other information and entertainment that will keep you coming back for more.

Military Special Offers Special offers for military service members and their families! Check this section often for updates to this carefully selected list.
Businesses and organizations – want to list your special offers? Click here.

Due to popular demand and continuous feedback from current GIMail users, Armed Forces Crossroads has elected to keep providing service to our DoD community. Armed Forces GIMail is a web mail service designed expressly for the mobile DoD community – secure and ad-free!

Click here to log in.

Deployment Deploying soon? Want to be ready? The Predeployment Guide can help. Have a deployed spouse who's coming home? Check out the Return & Reunion for help and ideas. Check the Video Phone sites list for great resources while separated by duties.

Employment / Volunteer Featuring all the best links and resources you’ll need for your job search – and the Air Force's own Job Bank, designed to feature your skills and availability! Also includes daily federal contract listings for better targeting of your resume.
» Job Seekers, Submit Resume/Search for Job
» Employers, Submit Your Job Listings

Communications Center This area contains forums for both teens and adults--you can ask questions, post information and contact people around the globe.
» Link to GI Mail for secure mobile web mail
» Stay in touch in the Chat rooms
» Get and give advice from your peers in the AF Crossroads Spouse Forum
» Discuss finding the right job in the Employment Forum

Relocation From truck rentals and real estate to tips on moving with kids or pets, this section is a must for anyone with an upcoming move.

Financial Information A "wealth" of financial tools and resources!
» Buying a car or home? Need insurance?
» Setting up a retirement fund for your future?
» Thinking ahead about sending your kids to college?
Find the answers to all your financial issues and questions here!

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