Updated: 03-Apr-2003 19:59 NATO Ministerial Meetings


Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
at the level of Foreign Ministers

NATO HQ Brussels  3 April 2003

  • Press Releases
  • Who's who?
  • Foreign Ministers
  • Perm. Represent.
  • Secretary General
  • Press Releases
    NATO Press Release (2003)034 - 1 April 2003
    Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Foreign Ministers, preceded by an informal NATO-European Union Working Luncheon at the level of Foreign ministers, Thursday, 3 April 2003
    OTAN Communiqué de presse (2003)034 - 1 avril 2003
    Runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique du Nord au niveau des Ministres des Affaires Etrangres, prcede d'un djeuner de travail informel OTAN-Union Europene au niveau des Ministres des Affaires Etrangres
    Meeting of Foreign Ministers

    Arrival of Ministers

    Bilateral meeting between NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and US Secretary of State, Colin Powell
    Bilateral meeting between US Secretary of State, Colin Powell and the Vilnius 10
    Bilateral meeting between NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Ana Palacio Vallelersundi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain.
    Bilateral meeting between NATO and France
    Bilateral meeting between NATO and Canada
    12:00- 14:00 Informal NATO-EU ministerial working lunch
    14:10 Point de presse by the EU Presidency and the NATO Secretary General

    Opening of the North Atlantic Council meeting at the level of Foreign Ministers

    16:25 NATO Secretary General’s news conference followed by other news conferences and press briefings
      News conference by US Secretary of State, Colin Powell    
      Bilateral meeting between NATO and Germany  
      Bilateral meeting between NATO and Turkey  
      Bilateral meeting between NATO and United Kingdom  


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