[ NATO Summit ]

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Dossier d'information gnrale sur l'Alliance pour les mdias.

  Who was who?

List of the Heads of Delegations, and CV's with Pictures of the attending Head of States and Government and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence.

NATO Summit

Madrid, Spain
- 8-9 July 1997

Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) at the level of the Heads of State and Government and Meeting of Allied and Partner Heads of State and/or Government under the aegis of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC).


  1. Ministerial Communiqus
  2. Translations of communiqus in languages other than English and French.
  3. Basic Texts
  4. Speeches
    1. North Atlantic Council, 8 July 1997
    2. Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter, 9 July 1997.
    3. Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, 9 July 1997

  5. Photo Library
Ministerial Communiqués
M-1(97)81 - 8 July 1997
Madrid Declaration on Euro-Atlantic Security and Cooperation issued by the Heads of State and Government at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
M-1(97)81 - 8 juillet 1997
Declaration de Madrid sur la scurite et la coopration euro-atlantiques publie par les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement participant la Runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord

M-1(97)82 - 8 July 1997
Special Declaration on Bosnia and Herzegovina issued by the Heads of State and Government
M-1(97)82 - 8 juillet 1997
Dclaration spciale sur la Bosnie-Herzgovine publie par les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement

S-APHSG-1(97)84 - 8 July 1997
Summary of the Meeting of Allied and Partner Heads of State and Government under the Aegis of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
S-APHSG-1(97)84 - 8 juillet 1997
Compte rendu succinct de la Runion des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement des pays Allis et partenaires tenue sous l'gide du Conseil de partenariat euro-atlantique
Translations of communiqus in languages other than English and French
Kommuniqu - 8 Juli 1997
Erklrung von Madrid zur Euro-Atlantischen Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit

Kommuniqu - 8 Juli 1997
Sondererklrung zu Bosnien und Herzegowina

Kommuniqu - 8 Juli 1997
Zusammenfassung des Treffens der Staats- und Regierungschefs der Bndnispartner und Partnerstaaten unter der Schirmherrschaft des Euro-Atlantischen Partnerschaftsrats
Basic Texts
9 July 1997 - Madrid
Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Ukraine
9 juillet 1997 - Madrid
Charte de partenariat spcifique entre l'Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantique Nord et l'Ukraine

8 July 1997 - Meeting of the NAC

Public Opening Statement by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana.
Illustrated with images Click here to hear in RealAudio
Welcoming address by the President of the Government of Spain, Jos Maria Aznar.
Illustrated with images
Address by US Senator William Roth.

Statement by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana after the NATO Summit Meeting
Illustrated with images Click here to hear in RealAudio
Opening Statement by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, to the Press Conference following the Madrid Summit
Illustrated with images Click here to hear in RealAudio
Q&A with NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, at the Press Conference.

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Discours de M. Jacques Chirac, Prsident de la Rpublique de France

Doorstep Interview by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr Tony Blair.

Interview with the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Mr Robin Cook.

Joint Press Conference by H.E. G. Horn, Hungary, H.E. V. Havel, Czech Republic, and H.E. A Kwasniewski, Poland
Illustrated with images
Address by his Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain at the Dinner for Heads of State, of Government and Heads of Delegations
Illustrated with images

9 July 1997 - Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter

Remarks by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, at the Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter
Illustrated with images Click here to hear in RealAudio
Opening Statement by the president of Ukraine, H.E. Kuchma, at the Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter
Illustrated with images
Speech by the Prime Minister of Spain, Jos Maria Aznar
Illustrated with images

9 July 1997 - Meeting of the EAPC

Opening Statement by the Chairman of the EAPC, Javier Solana.
Illustrated with images
Press Statement by the Secretary General following the Meeting of Allied and Partner Heads of State and Government.
Illustrated with images Click here to hear in RealAudio
Q&A with NATO Secretary General Solana following the EAPC Meeting

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Statement by H.E. Mr. Bashkim Fino, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania

Statement by His Excellency Alexander Arzoumanian, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia

Statement by Mr. Viktor Klima, Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria

Speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Heydar Aliyev

Statement by Mr. Victor Sheiman, Official Representative of President A. Lukashenko, State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus

Address by Petar Stoyanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Statement by His Excellency Lennart Meri, President of Estonia.

Statement by By H.E. Martti Ahtisaari, President of the Republic of Finland.

Remarks of H.E. Eduard Shevardnadze, President of Georgia.

Intervention of H.E. Mr. Guntis Ulmanis, President of the Republic of Latvia

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Algirdas Brazauskas, President of the Republic of Lithuania

Statement by the President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Gligorov.

Statement by H.E. Mr. Petru Lucinschi, President of the Republic of Moldova.

Speech by H.E. Mr. Emil Constantinescu, President of the Republic of Romania.

Statement issued from the Meeting of Heads of State and Government and Foreign Ministers of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary with the Presidents and Foreign Ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia following the EAPC meeting

Press Conference by President Clinton following the EAPC meeting.

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Q&A by President Clinton following the EAPC meeting.

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