
American Forces Press Service


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Gates Brings Deployed Soldiers Home for Leave      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - As Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates makes his way back to Washington from an overseas trip, he has some extra passengers aboard this Air Force E-4B: soldiers deployed to Afghanistan who are heading home on rest and recuperation leave to spend time with their families during the holiday season.


Gates Heads Back to Washington From Overseas Trip      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is on his way back to Washington after visiting with deployed servicemembers, getting a ground-view perspective on operations in eastern and southern Afghanistan, and meeting with leaders in Oman, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates.


Gates Repeats Call for Senate to Repeal ‘Don’t Ask’      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - Repeating his warning that the Defense Department would be unable to prepare properly if a court strikes down the law that bans gays from serving openly in the military, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he hopes the Senate repeals the law before its session ends next week.


The Battle to Save Outpost Margah  This story contains photos.    

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - The battle to save Combat Outpost Margah lasted nearly 12 hours. By the end of the battle, five U.S. Army soldiers were wounded, 92 enemy combatants were killed and two insurgents were wounded and captured.


Family Matters Blog: Nation Sets Aside Day to Honor Military Widows      

WASHINGTON - In this Family Matters blog, AFPS' Elaine Wilson highlights a Senate resolution that designates Dec. 18 as “Gold Star Wives Day,” a day set aside to honor and recognize the contributions of members of the Gold Star Wives of America Inc.


Cybersecurity Must Balance ‘Need to Know’ and ‘Need to Share’      

WASHINGTON - In maintaining computer network security in an era of persistent cyber threats warfighters are balancing the need to know certain kinds of information with the need to share it.


Insurgent Attack Kills Two Afghan Civilians      

WASHINGTON - Officials from NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan confirmed that two Afghan civilians were killed during an insurgent attack on a coalition base in Kunar province.


Institute Fosters Community Support of Military      

BETHESDA, Md. - An Indiana-based organization is working to build community support of servicemembers and their families throughout the state in the hope of serving as a model for the rest of the nation.


Guard Maintains Strong Bond With Services  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The relationship between the National Guard and its parent components has never been stronger, the Guard’s top officer said.


Face of Defense: Guardsman Helps Army Soccer Team Win  This story contains photos.    

INDIANAPOLIS - An Indiana Guardsman who's played soccer all his life reached a career high when he helped the All-Army team win gold at the Armed Forces Soccer Championship.

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