Mathematics and Science Partnerships

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  • The Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) program (Title II, Part B, of the No Child Left Behind Act) provides funds to states through a formula that takes into account its student population and poverty rates. States are required to hold competitions and make awards to projects that improve the content knowledge of teachers and increase student learning in mathematics and science. To learn more about State run MSP competitions, please contact your State MSP Coordinator.
    download files PDF (73K) (Updated June 13, 2008)

  • Learn more about current MSP Projects. The MSP program, now in its sixth year of implementation, has funded professional development opportunities to thousands of teachers throughout the United States.

  • Please visit the MSP website; developed by ED in conjunction with Abt Associates in order to accommodate the growing need to share and disseminate the latest up-to-date information about MSP. The website is designed to provide administrative guidance and resources, provide news about upcoming conferences and events, and provide summaries of project goals and objectives.

  • The link www.ed-msp.net provides information about the regional conference for State MSP Coordinators and subgrantees hosted by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). The two-day conference focused on National and State-Level Program Management issues, review of On Line APR System, Technical Assistance for State Coordinators and Communication within the MSP Program (ED-MSP Website).

National Science Foundation
  • The Department and the National Science Foundation. (NSF) are working in a partnership to improve mathematics and science teaching in elementary and secondary schools. A major research and development effort, NSF's MSP program responds to concern over the performance of the nation's children in mathematics and science. Institutions of higher education - their disciplinary faculty in departments of mathematics, the sciences, and/or engineering, education faculty and administrators - partner with K-12 districts and others to effect deep, lasting improvement in K-12 mathematics and science education.

  • Math and Science Partnership Nework (MSPnet) is funded by the National Science Foundation. MSPnet provides nested, interactive learning communities for NSF's Math Science Partnership Project. MSPnet encourages expression of divergent views and the sharing of both successes and challenges in order to create a community of learners who will collectively be enriched by the experiences of individual MSPs throughout the country.

  • In February 2006, President Bush signed into law a bill, Higher Ed Reconciliation Act of 2005, which provides grants for low-income first-year college students who completed a vigorous high school program. Eligible students will receive $750 for the first year and $1,300 during the second year provided that he/she has maintained at least a 3.0 GPA. For additional information regarding the Academic Competitiveness Grants, please visit:

  • In February 2006, President Bush signed into law a bill, Higher Ed Reconciliation Act of 2005, which provides grants to college juniors and seniors who are interested in pursuing a career in mathematics and science and have at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Eligible students could receive as much as $4,000 during their junior and senior year. For additional information regarding SMART Grants, please visit:

Taxpayer Teacher Protection Act
  • In November 2004, President Bush signed into law a bill that would expand student loan relief for highly qualified teachers who teach mathematics and science in high poverty K-12 schools. The bill, The Taxpayer-Teacher Protection Act (H.R. 5186), cuts off excess subsidies for student loan providers, and uses the money to expand incentives to help states and schools recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. The funds would increase student loan forgiveness from the current maximum of $5,000 to a new maximum of $17,500.

  • How to Solicit Rigorous Evaluations of Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Projects: A User-Friendly Guide for MSP State Coordinators download files MS Word (May 2005) (150K) to assist MSP state coordinators with a concrete, low-cost strategy to solicit rigorous evaluations of their state's MSP projects. The guide provides concrete, step-by-step advice in three areas: (1) Overall evaluation strategy; (2) How to solicit rigorous evaluations; and (3) How to review applicants' evaluation plans and monitor the evaluations once underway.


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Last Modified: 11/02/2011