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Saturday, September 10 at the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations in Chicago, IL

09/10/2011 - 5:08pm

Today at the eighth round of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in Chicago, IL, nearly 60 stakeholder groups are making individual presentations directly to delegates from the nine TPP countries and to other stakeholders attending the forum. Many TPP negotiators, including chief negotiators from the nine partner countries, have spent much of today listening to presentations by stakeholders representing a wide range of views on issues relevant to the negotiations. Stakeholders are scheduled to speak in sessions between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Hilton Chicago in three presentation rooms to ensure each stakeholder has sufficient time to present their views. More than 250 stakeholders have accepted USTR’s invitation to be on-site at the TPP talks in Chicago to interact with negotiators and delegates. A full list of the stakeholder presentation schedule, with names of presenters and their organizations, can be found below.

As stakeholder presentations took place, a smaller number of negotiating groups held talks today. Issues discussed included goods market access, temporary entry, rules of origin, technical barriers to trade, and capacity building. Negotiators from the nine TPP partner countries – Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States – are reporting good progress early in the eighth round of talks, which will last through September 15. Negotiating groups that have already begun meetings this week include services, financial services, investment, customs, telecommunications, intellectual property rights (IPR), government procurement, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and environment.

In 2009, the East-West Center estimated that Asia already accounted for 27 percent of total U.S. jobs from exports. International Monetary Fund forecasts that the Asia-Pacific economies will grow faster than the world average through at least 2014. Expanding U.S. exports to the Asia-Pacific region can contribute significantly to further job growth and economic recovery for America’s working families.


Presenter and Organization

From Chicago to Honolulu and Beyond – A New Zealand Business Vision for TPP

Stephen Jacobi, Executive Director for NZ US Council

The Appropriate Role of IP Protection in Trade Agreements

Tom Giovanetti, President of Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI)

U.S. Generic Industry’s View on IP in Free Trade Agreements

Shawn Brown, Vice President of State Affairs, Generic Pharmaceutical Association

Pharmaceuticals: Innovation, Access and the TPPA Intellectual Property Chapter

Dr. Burcu Kilic, Consultant for the Global Access to Medicines Program at Public Citizen

IPR, Only Source Medicines and Access

Roberto Lopez, Executive Director of Acción Internacional para la Salud. Peru 

Inconsistencies Between the US Intellectual Property Proposal for the TPPA and Current US Law

Krista Cox, Staff Attorney, 

Knowledge Ecology International


Copyright, the U.S. Proposal for the TPPA and the Need for Evidence Based Review

James Boyle

Professor of Law, Duke University

Promoting the Internet Economy

Jonathan Band


The Public’s Stake in a Balanced IP Chapter in the TPP

Rashmi Rangnath, Staff Attorney

Public Knowledge

Fighting Movie Theft: An International Problem

Gary Kissinger, Regional Director of Investigations for Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA)

Impacts of the TPP on Public Interest and Software Development

Brett Smith

Free Software Foundation

Freedom of Expression, Innovation, and Internet Intermediary Liability

Abigail Phillips, Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation 

“Temporary Entry” As A Critical Provision of the TPPA

Peter Ehrenhaft, Senior Counsel

Harkins Cunningham, LLP

A Proposal for Decent Work in the Trans-Pacific Region: Trade Unions' Model Labor Chapter

Jeffrey Vogt, Deputy Director and Legal Advisor, Department of Human and Trade Union Rights,

International Trade Union Confederation

The Case for a Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Proposed TPPA

Prof. Jane Kelsey

School of Law, University of Auckland

TPP: ICT and Internet Growth Via Trade in

Products with Cryptographic Capabilities


Ian Steff, Director of Government Affairs and International Trade, Semiconductor Industry Association

Towards Preserving an Open Internet Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Susan Chalmers, Policy Lead


The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Opportunity for Health-Sector Trade Policy

Ed Gresser, Alliance for Healthcare Competitiveness

The Promise of Biotechnology

Jeff Kushan, Sidley Austin for

Biotechnology Industry Organization

Trade, the Oceans and TPP: A 21st Century Plan for the Environment

Courtney Sakai, Senior Campaign Director for Oceania, and Peter Allgeier, President of C&M International

A Commercial Sector View on Fisheries in the TPP, with Particular Reference to the Environment Chapter

Alastair Macfarlane, General Manager – Trade and Information for NZ Seafood Industry Council

The Potential of Regulatory Coherence – A View from New Zealand Food and Agricultural Exporters

Ken Geard, Fonterra Cooperative Group Tracey Paterson, Beef and Lamb New Zealand

The Global Cosmetic and Personal Care Industry: An Important Sector for Growth

Francine Lamoriello, Executive Vice President for Global Strategies Personal Care Products Council 

Proposals for Medical Devices

Ralph Ives, Executive Vice President for Global Strategy and Analysis, AdvaMed 

Benefits of the IAF & ILAC Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangements

Randy Dougherty, Vice President of ANAB; Chair and President IAF

TPP Supply Chains – Seizing the Opportunity

Ralph Carter, Managing Director 

Legal, Trade and International Affairs

Federal Express

Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Restrictions and Public Health: Analysis of U.S. and other TPP Country Practices


Sean Flynn, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP), American University; Sharon Treat, State Representative of Maine

Seeking Transparency and Enhanced Regulatory Coherence for Pharmaceuticals in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Neil Pratt, Assistant General Counsel,

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

Capital Controls and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Sarah Andersen, Institute for Policy Studies, and Professor Martin Wolfson from University of Notre Dame

Strong, Enforceable Investment Provisions Are Critical for TPP's (and America's) Success in a Competitive Global Economy

Shaun Donnelly, VP for Investment and Financial Services, US Council for International Business

Investor-State Disputes: The Philip Morris Case in Australia

Dr. Patricia Ranald

Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network

TPP Goals, Principles, Priorities, and Challenges

Calman Cohen

TPP Business Coalition

FTA Investment Rules: The Case for Reform

Celeste Drake, AFL-CIO; and

Alejandra Alayza, Peruvian Network for Globalization with Equity

Investment and Financial Services: Lessons from Past FTAs and BITs

Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch Division; and Todd Tucker, Research Director, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch

How a High-Standard and Enforceable TPP Investment Chapter Can Promote Exports and Growth

Linda Menghetti, Vice President of Emergency Committee for American Trade (ECAT)

Addressing State-Owned Enterprises in the TPP Negotiations

Linda Andros, United Steelworkers

Addressing Export Restrictions and Investment and Competition Rules in the TPP Negotiations

Timothy Brightbill, On behalf of

Nucor Corporation

Footwear: Enhancing Trade and Investment for TPP Members

Matt Priest, President of Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America 

The Importance of Preserving A Small Amount of Footwear Manufacturing in the United States

Marc L. Fleischaker and Matt LeBretton

On behalf of the Rubber and Plastic Footwear Manufacturers Association

Travel Goods and Fashion Accessories – The Potential Impact of TPP on the Industry 

Nate Herman, Vice President of International Trade American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)

The Importance of the Yarn Forward Rule of Origin for Textiles and Apparel


Auggie Tantillo, Executive Director of

American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition (AMTAC)

The U.S. Textile Industry Review of Textile Negotiating Rules and their Impact

Cass Johnson, President of the National Council of Textile Organizations

Yarn Forward and Its Impact on Textiles in the U.S.

Anderson Warlick

Parkdale Mills

With the Importance of Export Promotion of US Products in US FTAs…Why is the TPP an exception?

Jerry Cook, VP Government and Trade Relations, Hanesbrands, Inc.


The Benefits of Yarn Forward Rules to the Local Textile Industry

Bill Jasper

Unifi Manufacturting Inc

TPP Must Not Undermine AGOA

Paul Ryberg , On behalf of the African Cotton and Textile Industries Federation

Field to Fashion: Vertical Integration in the Western Hemisphere

Carlo Arias, President of American Denimatrix

The Potential Impact of TPP Negotiations on the Legwear Industry

Sally Kay, President & CEO

The Hosiery Association 

Vietnam Textile and Apparel Industry: A Closer Look and Expectations from TPP Negotiation  

Mr. Le Tien Truong, Vice President of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association

Apparel Value Chains and Opportunities to Create Jobs in the TPP.

Toni Dembski-Brandl, On behalf of the TPP Apparel Coalition

The Mulesing Mutilation in Australian Wool: A PETA Presentation at the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

Kristin Tornicasa, Corporate Liaison 

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Marlboro Man as Investor: Will the TPPA Enable Private Investors to Enforce Trade Rules?

Robert Stumberg

Harrison Institute for Public Law at Georgetown University

TPPA and Tobacco Products: The Threat to Public Health and The Case for Excluding Tobacco Products

Susan Liss, Executive Director,

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids


Tobacco and Trade: Who will the TPPA Serve and Protect? 

Heidi Heitkamp, 

Forum on Democracy and Trade

TPP: A High Performance Trade Agreement to Advance Public Health

Ellen Shaffer, Co-Director

Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health; and Donald Zeigler, Director Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle American Medical Association

Trans-Pacific Partnership – Getting it Right

Alan Bergman, 

North Dakota Farmers Union