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Ambassador Kirk Hosts Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee

05/13/2010 - 6:05pm

This week, Ambassador Ron Kirk held the spring meeting of USTR’s Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee (IGPAC). The IGPAC provides advice to USTR from a state and local perspecitive; in attendance were representatives from manystate organizations, includingthe National Council of State Legislators, National League of Cities, Council of State Governments and the Maryland Port Administration. Ambassador Kirk welcomed new members to the committee and thanked everyone for their ongoing commitment and participation. Ambassador Kirk spoke about President Obama's National Export Initiative (NEI) and how this administration would, with the states, work to achieve the President’s goal of doubling exports of U.S. products to support 2 million additional jobs here at home. The Ambassador also gave an overview of pending USTR agreements and initiatives. Joining the Ambassador were USTR staffers Jean Grier, Senior Procurement Negotiator, and Chris Melly, Deputy Assistant USTR for Services. The IGPAC members were able to have a frank and open conversation with USTR staff about some of the issues that states face with regards to trade, and offered their assistance in moving the President’s trade agenda forward.