
11 Mar. 1998


by the Chairman on the Ambassadorial Meeting
of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

11 March 1998

  • The EAPC discussed the serious developments in Kosovo.

  • Ambassadors and representatives of the EAPC member countries:

    • expressed their deep concern over the eruption of violence and called for constructive dialogue to achieve a peaceful resolution to the existing problems;

    • called for full respect of democratic and human rights;

    • condemned the unacceptable use of force by Serbian police against peaceful demonstrators as well as terrorist actions by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group;

    • supported the efforts of the Contact Group and of other international institutions, including the OSCE, designed to bring about a peaceful settlement;

    • supported the principles for a mutually acceptable political solution for Kosovo within the FRY in accordance with international norms, as confirmed at the London meeting of the Contact Group of 9th March;

    • noted the security concerns raised by the tensions in Kosovo, in particular in the case of neighbouring countries, and underlined the need to prevent any spillover of the conflict to other parts of the region.

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