
5 Feb. 1998

Partners to participate in crisis management exercise 1998

For the first time Partners will actively participate in all aspects of a NATO-wide Crisis Management Exercise (CMX).

This year's exercise (CMX 98) will be conducted from 12th to 18th February 1998. It is designed to practice crisis management procedures, measures and arrangements, including civil-military cooperation. The scenario of this command post exercise is hypothetical. It deals mainly with actions NATO might have to take to implement a UN-mandated peace support operation. Another part of the operation will exercise NATO involvement in responding to natural disasters. No actual troops will be deployed.

Participants in CMX 98 will include staffs in national capitals, at NATO Headquarters, and in both Major NATO Commands. In addition, about 20 Partnership for Peace (PfP) member countries have accepted NATO's invitation to fully participate in the exercise. Last year the Partner countries' contribution was limited to the civil emergency part of the exercise.

The decision to upgrade the participation of Partners comes in the framework of NATO's efforts to develop a more operational role for PfP and to provide for greater involvement of Partners in decision making and planning.

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