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VIDEO: Ambassador Kirk Talks About Working to Open Markets for American Exports

11/30/2009 - 6:14am

As U.S. Trade Representative, Ambassador Kirk works to open up markets around the world for American businesses and workers. Earlier today, he recorded a short video about being in Geneva for the 7th Session of the WTO Ministerial Conference and how he is working to create more good American jobs by opening world markets to American exports. Watch the video below.

Read Ambassador Kirk's remarks below.

"Hello, I am United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk and I am in Geneva, Switzerland for the 7th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization.

I am here for one simple reason - to help create more good American jobs by opening world markets to American exports.

Over the next several days, I will be meeting with my counterparts from the WTO's 153 member countries - from Canada to Cameroon, and Estonia to Ethiopia - together account for 95 percent of world trade.

America needs to tap into that trade to prosper. We need to have access to these markets to sell our goods and services to their consumers.

We need our machinists in the Midwest exporting their manufactured goods to Brazil and India. We need our farmers in Iowa selling their goods to China. And we need our doctors, teachers, and creative professionals exporting their services to the 27 European Union countries.

In 2008, trade around the world totaled nearly $20 trillion. Millions of Americans were employed to produce goods and services that were shipped around the globe. And nearly one in eight dollars earned by Americans could be attributed to exports.

The whole world knows brands like Ford, Coca-Cola, and Levi jeans. But we want them to know newer brands from smaller companies - the homegrown products that start in small town offices and make their way to consumers continents away.

American small business owners and entrepreneurs have what it takes to succeed anywhere in the world. And they deserve the opportunity to try.

It has been 4 years since the trade ministers of WTO Members last gathered for a ministerial meeting.

At our ministerial meeting, I will work with WTO members to open up trade around the world - and create more opportunities for more American manufacturers, farmers, ranchers, services providers and small businesses in the global marketplace.

So follow our efforts here at the WTO Ministerial Conference. We will continue to bring you live updates, interviews and information on Facebook, Twitter and

Be sure to follow us."