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Ambassador Marantis Meets With Kansas City, Missouri Stakeholders on TPP

05/10/2010 - 5:40pm

Today Deputy United States Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis is in Kansas City, Missouri to discuss Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations with local stakeholders. Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver hosted an event with representatives of Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, Park University, and local transportation, logistics, and homebuilding equipment industries. Ambassador Marantis outlined the Obama Administration's trade agenda, including objectives for the TPP. Discussions focused on opportunities in the Asia Pacific region, the destination for nearly 70 percent of Missouri goods exports. Nearly 85 percent of Missouri's exporters are small- and medium-sized businesses, and Ambassador Marantis noted that these businesses will be first in line to benefit from TPP as the agreement improves transparency, reduces red tape, and eliminates tariffs.   

In addition to TPP, participants also focused on some of the challenges Missouri exporters face, including logistical hurdles, weak intellectual property protection and availability of export financing.

Ambassador Marantis also travelled to Kansas City, Kansas. There, he discussed TPP with the staff of Kansas Senator Pat Roberts, including opportunities for ranchers and small businesses. Ambassador Marantis also met senior executives at Black and Veatch headquarters, a Kansas-based engineering, consulting and construction services company. Black and Veatch is active in TPP partner countries, including Vietnam and Singapore. Discussion included barriers to services exporters, opportunities in government procurement, and goals to increase transparency through TPP negotiations.

Ambassador Marantis at TPP Roundtable in Missouri
Ambassador Marantis meets with Black and Veatch senior executives on TPP in Kansas City, Kansas

Ambassador Marantis and Congressman Cleave
Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver and Ambassador Marantis in Kansas City, Missouri