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HUD In Maryland
Due to storm Sandy, the Baltimore HUD office is closed Tuesday, October 30
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[Teresa Stovall  provides a conference participant with HUD information on fair housing, homeownership and rental housing]
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2012 Governor's Housing Conference
The conference focused on strengthening communities, homeownership, financing and advancing green initiatives through sustainable housing and communities.
[Learn more about the Governor's Housing Conference]
Lloyd Engram
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A Big Success
Targeting the $25 Billion National Foreclosure Settlement was the major theme of the Baltimore Field Office of HUD's 3rd Annual congressional briefing.
Learn more about the congressional briefing
Need help paying your rent? To apply for low-income housing at a HUD-subsidized apartment, visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you.
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Need Help Paying Your Rent?
To apply for HUD-subsidized housing, visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you.
Learn more about rental programs
Buying a home? Your credit history is a key factor in determining if you'll be approved for a mortgage. A housing counselor can help you understand your credit and suggest ways to fix credit problems.
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Buying a Home?
Your credit history is a key factor in determining mortgage approval. A housing counselor can help you with credit problems.
Learn more about homeownership programs
Open Government Initiative

Learn more about HUD's Open Government Initiative

HUD Implementation of the Recovery Act

Learn more about HUD's Implementation of the Recovery Act

Making Home Affordable

[Logo: Making Home Affordable]

Learn more about Making Home Affordable
Innovation of the Day

[Logo: of the day]
Innovation of the Day