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Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any person may request access to federal agency records although some information may be determined to be exempt from public disclosure.

The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), FOIA Office is committed to providing the fullest and timeliest possible public disclosure of records related to the regulation of pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (106pp, 743K, about PDF).

This web page will help you decide if you need to submit a FOIA request to obtain pesticide information, and if so, how to start the process. For information related to FOIA requests for other parts of EPA, please see EPA's national FOIA Web site, located in EPA's Office of Environmental Information.

Do I need to submit a FOIA request?

Much scientific and regulatory information concerning pesticides is available to the public without submitting a FOIA request from our FOIA Electronic Reading Room, Pesticide Information Resources page, and the pesticides' home page. Information accessible from these sources can be helpful in formulating your request or make submitting a FOIA request unnecessary.

If the information you seek is not publicly available consult the resources below for FOIA requests:

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