Featured Student of the Month

Featured Student: Amanda Schoolcraft

Name: Amanda Schoolcraft

Age: 20

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Job Corps Center: Old Dominion Job Corps Center, Monroe, Virginia

Occupational Area: Plumbing

Education: I earned my high school diploma before joining Job Corps.

Favorite hobbies: Writing, acting, and edting images digitally

I joined Job Corps because: I wanted a better chance at life.

Job Corps is helping me achieve my goals: By teaching me the skills to be an adult and provide a better life than I had growing up.

The thing I like most about Job Corps: My instructor, my residential advisors, and the staff have helped me build up my confidence.

Advice to current and future Job Corps students: You will only get out of Job Corps what you put into it. Don't be afraid to throw your all in!

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Page last updated: Friday, February 01, 2013