Final Rules/Interim Rules published after January 23, 2003

Interim/Final Rules

  • ATF 22I – Residency Requirements for Aliens Acquiring Firearms. Comments on this interim final rule are due on or before September 5, 2012. To submit a comment electronically, use the comment form for Notice No. ATF 22I. To submit comments by postal mail or fax, see the instructions included within the notice. To view all comments and documents associated with this rulemaking, go to Docket No. ATF_FRDOC_0001 .The effective date of the interim final rule is July 9, 2012
  • ATF 24F — Firearms Disabilities for Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens. The effective date of this final rule is July 9, 2012. To view all comments and documents associated with this rulemaking, go to Docket No. ATF_FRDOC_0001
  • ATF 17F — Decision-Making Authority Regarding the Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of a Federal Firearms License, or Imposition of a Civil Fine
  • ATF 15F — Storage of Shock Tube with Detonators
  • ATF 27P — Decision Making Authority Regarding the Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of a Federal Firearms License, or Imposition of a Civil Fine (Comment period closed April 14, 2009)
  • ATF 10F — Commerce in Explosives – Amended Definition of Propellant Actuated Device
  • ATF 11F — Technical Amendments to Regulations in Title 27, Chapter II
  • ATF 9F — U.S. Munitions Import List and Import Restrictions Applicable to Certain Countries
  • ATF 6F — Commerce in Explosives – Hobby Rocket Motors
  • ATF 5 — Identification Markings Placed on Imported Explosive Materials and Miscellaneous Amendments
  • ATF 2 — Implementation of the Safe Explosives Act, Title XI, Subtitle C of Public Law 107-296—Delivery of Explosive Materials by Common or Contract Carrier (Comment period closed October 14, 2003)
  • ATF 1 — Implementation of the Safe Explosives Act, Title XI, Subtitle C of Public Law 107-296 (Comment period closed June 18, 2003)

Miscellaneous Final Rules