Technical Assistance Letters

Please note that as of January 18, 2017, the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices has been renamed the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER).

One of the ways in which IER educates the public is by responding to written requests for technical assistance about the anti-discrimination provision.  Click below for a technical assistance letter issued by IER.

Fiscal year covers the period of October 1 thru September 30

Fiscal Year 2016

Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

June 15, 2016 (whether employer may prefer certain classes of nonimmigrant visaholders over other classes of nonimmigrant visaholders)

March 31, 2016 (requesting documents for export control purposes and proposed questions for applicants and new hires to identify the need for a license under export control laws)


December 22, 2015 (whether employer may terminate U.S. workers and replace with contract workers on temporary visas)

Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

January 7, 2016 (request for alternate documentation following I-9 audit)


September 12, 2016 (whether running E-Verify cases on current employees pursuant to state law violates the anti-discrimination provision of the INA)

Fiscal Year 2015

Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

January 8, 2015 (discrimination concerns related to an employee providing employer with new documents and explaining that the documents originally presented were not genuine)


    August 24, 2015 (how staffing company should respond to request from client to run temporary employees through E-Verify)

    April 15, 2015 (whether certain provisions of Texas executive order conflict with federal E-Verify obligations and possibility for violating the anti-discrimination provision)

      Fiscal Year 2014

      Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

      July 30, 2014 (employer discovers that it previously overdocumented employees)

      February 7, 2014 (acceptability of driver authorization/driver privilege cards for I-9 purposes)

      December 30, 2013 (request for additional documentation during internal audit)

        Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

        August 19, 2014 (asking for and including OPT application and approval dates in an international student registry made available to prospective employers)

        April 30, 2014 (whether an employer may decline to hire an F-1 student visa holder on OPT because of limited time left on visa)

        November 20, 2013 (U.S. citizen only hiring requirement involving university research agreements)

          Fiscal Year 2013

          Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

          September 25, 2013 (reverifying employment authorization documents of refugees and asylees)

          September 5, 2013 (reverifying a permanent resident card presented by a conditional resident)

          August 20, 2013 (guidance on prepopulation of Section 1 of the Form I-9)

          August 13, 2013 (General contractor requiring subcontractor's employees to present original I-9 documentation)

          November 1, 2012 (whether employer may ask for different documents if document presented does not appear to be genuine)

            Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

            September 30, 2013 (running job applicants who have received an offer of employment through E-Verify and SSNVS before allowing them to work)

            September 30, 2013 (whether employer can ask a job applicant how much time left on H1B visa)

            September 30, 2013 (whether employer can reject foreign national job applicant bacause it does not wish to sponsor the candidate for visa but does sponsor some employees)

            September 6, 2013 (pre-employment inquiries related to immigration status)

            August 6, 2013 (requiring a university degree from a U.S. university to be selected for employment)


              September 30, 2013 (discrimination implications of an employer sharing I-9 Forms with private payroll card system vendors)

              May 30, 2013 (whether employer may share its I-9 Forms with private vendor that performs check-issuing service and needs to verify identity of employees)

              April 9, 2013 (whether a federal agency can prefer a U.S. citizen over equally qualified non-citizen)

              April 4, 2013 (whether it is a discriminatory practice to change an applicant's last name when submitting name for criminal background check purposes)

              February 25, 2013 (national origin and citizenship status discrimination in hiring in connection with ITAR and EAR)

              November 1, 2012 (constructive knowledge and dishonesty policy)


                September 30, 2013 (running job applicants who have received an offer of employment through E-Verify and SSNVS before allowing them to work)

                  Social Security Number No-Match

                  September 30, 2013 (running job applicants who have received an offer of employment through E-Verify and SSNVS before allowing them to work)

                    Fiscal Year 2012

                    Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

                    January 5, 2012 (requesting documentation outside of the list of acceptable documents)

                    December 28, 2011 (using two different employment eligibility re-verification processes depending on employee's change of citizenship status)

                    December 1, 2011 (when employer may lawfully re-verify or request additional documentation from an employee)

                      Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

                      August 21, 2012 (whether software company can request visa status from jobseekers and provide visa information to employers inquiring about applicant's legal right to work in U.S.)

                      May 18, 2012 (whether employer faces liability when refusing to accept valid EAD from applicant based on actual knowledge that an individual is not work-authorized)

                      May 2, 2012 (how staffing companies should respond to employers who make discriminatory staffing requests based on citizenship status)

                      March 28, 2012 (whether employer can base hiring decisions on ability to read, write and speak English)

                      February 6, 2012 (using acceptable language for job postings in which employer can only consider U.S. citizens)

                      December 22, 2011 (whether employer may narrow the list of accepted documents in order to prove U.S. citizenship of applicant)

                        Social Security Number No-Match

                        October 14, 2011 (whether employer may re-verify employee's work authorization when a discrepancy between employee's name and Social Security number arises)

                        October 26, 2011 (what actions employers must take when employee's Social Security card, originally thought to be valid, later appears fraudulent)


                          September 10, 2012 (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals as related to discrimination concerns)

                          August 21, 2012 (whether employer may require Social Security numbers for an "electronic payroll system", even though Social Security numbers are not required for employment eligibility)

                          May 30, 2012 (how to determine whether lawful permanent residents are protected against citizenship status discrimination)

                            Fiscal Year 2011

                            Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

                            August 18, 2011 (whether new employees, previously employed by company's subcontractor, must complete new Forms I-9)

                            August 2, 2011 (whether employer may retain copies of E-Verify photo matching tool documents, but not retain copies of other I-9 documents)

                            July 1, 2011 (whether employer may shorten list of acceptable documents in Section 2 of the Form I-9 based on the employee's citizenship status)

                            March 18, 2011 (whether electronic employment verification processing software can request information about employee's EAD or F-1 or J-1 status)

                            January 24, 2011 (whether employer discriminates by requesting documents beyond Form I-9 requirements to prove job creation as EB-5 Visa holder)

                            October 6, 2010 (discussing I-9 documentation used to comply with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and related questions)

                            October 4, 2010 (discriminatory I-9 practices with regard to invalid Puerto Rican birth certificates)

                              Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

                              December 22, 2010 (automated recruitment software inquiring about applicant's legal right to work in the U.S.)

                                Social Security Number No-Match

                                August 29, 2011 (whether Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) can be used to verify employment eligibility)

                                July 1, 2011 (permissible employer action if employee is not able to resolve Social Security Number no-match within a reasonable period of time)

                                April 27, 2011 (question about "no-match" guidance and permissible employer action when employee with no-match provides new Social Security number)


                                  August 19, 2011 (whether a union can encourage or require members to use E-Verify Self-check)

                                  July 22, 2011 (whether contractor may ask for E-Verify related documentation from employees of subcontractor)


                                    July 26, 2011 (whether employer can legally terminate employee who lied on application regarding future need of employer sponsorship)

                                    July 22, 2011 (whether contractor may ask for E-Verify related documentation from employees of subcontractor)

                                    December 22, 2010 (legality of subcontractors furnishing its I-9 forms and their attachments to general contractors)

                                      Fiscal Year 2010

                                      Non-Discriminatory Practices During the Form I-9 Verification and Re-Verification Process

                                      June 22, 2010 (whether employers must re-verify seasonal employees who are laid off and return to work the next season)

                                      June 10, 2010 (whether an employee's Form I-9 should be maintained in an employee's file)

                                      June 10, 2010 (internal I-9 audit and honesty policy)

                                      March 29, 2010 (acceptable documents for Form I-9)

                                      March 24, 2010 (when Form I-9 can be completed)

                                      March 23, 2010 (employer responsibilities with respect to employee who present temporary evidence of employment authorization in the Form I-9 process)

                                      February 3, 2010 (employer anti-discrimination obligations when responding to a "Notice of Suspect Documents" issued by ICE)

                                      December 23, 2009 (whether completion of new I-9 Form for LPR cancels employer's obligation to re-verify employment authorization where LPR originally presented foreign passport and Machine Readable Immigrant Visa (MRIV))

                                      December 4, 2009 (standards for conducting internal audit in a non-discriminatory fashion)

                                        Pre-Employment Inquiries and Pre-Screening

                                        September 27, 2010 (employer advertising that it will not employ persons who require visa sponsorship)

                                        August 19, 2010 (contractor requiring assigned employees of subcontractor to be U.S. citizens)

                                        July 2, 2010 (whether an employer may terminate a non-immigrant visa holder who lies on the application about authorization to work in the U.S. on an unrestricted basis)

                                        June 29, 2010 (pre-hire questions that make clear that an employer will not hire applicants who require sponsorship for nonimmigrant visas as well as applicants holding an "open market Employment Authorization Document")

                                        December 29, 2009 (employer's ability to implement an "Identity Theft I.D. Quiz" for prospective or newly hired employees to prevent identity fraud)

                                          Social Security Number No-Match

                                          June 10, 2010 (use of SSNVS to verify Social Security number)

                                          March 25, 2010 (state agency notification to employer of Social Security number mismatch for employee)

                                          March 3, 2010 (city and county notification to employer of Social Security number mismatch for employees)


                                            April 21, 2010 (whether employer can terminate employee who fails to take action following receipt of E-Verify TNC)

                                            March 17, 2010 (when a federal contractor may rely on previously completed Form I-9 to run E-Verify query)


                                              June 10, 2010 (internal I-9 audit and honesty policy)

                                              July 22, 2010 (whether employers should provide employees' Forms I-9 to state welfare agencies that request them)

                                              April 29, 2010 (honesty policy)

                                                Worker Hotline: 1-800-255-7688            Employer Hotline: 1-800-255-8155

                                                Updated January 17, 2017