Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing

Authors: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Release Date: September 1996 (384 pages)
Posted Date: September 1, 1996

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This handbook is a guide for those approving HUD-code manufactured homes on permanent foundations, including engineers, manufacturers, and site owners seeking approval. It provides current technical information, recommendations, and tables of analytical data, expanding and clarifying the definition of a permanent foundation. It updates 1989 loading requirements for snow, wind, and seismic forces. Because of the increased use of multi-section manufactured homes, the guide now includes consideration of large openings along the length of marriage walls in multi-section units. The construction recommendations assure that the home, foundation, and site are all compatible. In addition to the new technical recommendations, the guide has been expanded and reorganized for easy reference with more illustrations and clarifications. The handbook can greatly assist preparation of the worksheets needed to apply for an FHA mortgage

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