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JBAB Fitness & Sports

We need well-trained and educated Service Members who are healthy and physically fit to do the job to the best of their ability. We take great pride in the health and fitness of our force, and the DoD is serious about taking action to ensure we maintain a strong and energetic force. If we are expected to capitalize on the awesome technological advantage we enjoy, we will depend on the talent and creativity of every member in the Armed Forces.

To reach that goal of healthy life-styles across the board, We want to strive for and maintain a culture of fitness. The goal of Joint Base-Anacostia-Bolling is that everyone from the highest-ranking to the lowest recruit is motivated to adopt a personal plan to get fit, stay fit and set an example of physical readiness others want to follow. It's important that we all do so. We simply cannot afford to have a fighting force that isn't 100 percent lean, fit and ready to take the fight to our enemies at a moment's notice. That means it's imperative to build and maintain this culture of fitness, where every Service Member meets the challenge of staying fit.

Building a culture of fitness means promoting physical conditioning and commitment to a healthy lifestyle well beyond preparation for the semi-annual test. Just as it is important to set aside part of the day to work on training and qualifications, the same dedication in making time to work out, eat properly and be healthy.

Service Members must be ready to meet the demands of performing in a tactical environment, and physical readiness is a crucial link to success in the challenges the Armed Forces faces today, and will face in the future.