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Staff Sgt. James Bates

Audio by Lt. Benjamin Addison | Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah | Date: 09.28.2012

Staff Sgt. James Bates, Eagle River, AK, talks to a Crawford Broadcasting reporter about his job as a squad leader in Afghanistan, providing security for officers, officials and civilians who visit, his...


Soldiers Radio News Sept. 7

Courtesy Audio | Army Broadcasting | Date: 09.07.2012

Military voter assistance stronger than ever, Changes to prices of Child Development Centers, North Dakota Army National Guard gets new helicopters.


TPC News

Courtesy Audio | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.31.2012

Military first responders rescue hundreds in the wake of Isaac


TPC News

Courtesy Audio | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.30.2012

U.S. Northern Command coordinates support for Isaac's impact.


TPC News

Courtesy Audio | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.28.2012

Obama offers federal support in advance of Isaac