Board Meeting Animations - Multivehicle Collision on Interstate 90 Hampshire-Marengo Toll Plaza

April 18, 2006

Near Hampshire, Illinois
October 1, 2003


Disclaimer: Simulations presented below were developed based upon scene and vehicle surveys, passenger statements, vehicle operating characteristics, and pictures from the scene. The depictions do not represent actual lighting and weather conditions at the time of the accident.

Videos were presented at the Board Meeting on 4/18/06 in Washington, D.C.

Vehicle Dynamics: This multi-vehicle accident occurred on the approach to a toll plaza near Hampshire, Illinois, about 1/2 mile before the toll plaza, in a 45 mph zone, and involved a total of five vehicles. After the accident, concerns were raised that traffic backups, created by vehicles stopping for the toll plaza, may have contributed to the cause of the accident. The simulations shown here were used to help determine the vehicle speeds before the accident. The simulations indicate that, before the accident, the three vehicles at the front of the accident were traveling between 0 and 10 mph while the two vehicles at the back were traveling between 50 and 62 mph. The low speeds of the three vehicles at the front of the accident are consistent with the intermittent queuing that existed about 1/2 mile before the toll plaza.

Still from chase view animation.ChaseView.wmv
Video = 578K
Running Time: 00:00:13

The first view shows a chase view of the Freightliner tractor-trailer (shown in red, at the back). When the video begins, the Freightliner is traveling about 50 mph. The three vehicles directly ahead of the Freightliner-the Goshen bus, the pickup truck and the Ford box trailer-are traveling 10 mph or less. The Kenworth tractor-tank trailer, which is behind the Freightliner (not shown in the picture above), is traveling about 62 mph. (Full Speed)

Still from front view animation.FrontView.wmv
Video = 509K
Running Time: 00:00:12

The second view shows a front view of the accident. Note that the long skidmarks shown in the right-hand lane are from the trailer tires of the Kenworth tractor-tank trailer (the last vehicle). (Full Speed)

Still from freightliner view animation.FreightlinerView.wmv
Video = 565K
Running Time: 00:00:13

The third view shows the view from the Freightliner tractor-trailer (shown in red, at the back). When the video begins, the Freightliner is traveling about 50 mph. The bus, which is the vehicle directly in front of the Freightliner, is traveling about 10 mph. (Full Speed)

Video = 448K
Running Time: 00:00:10

The fourth view shows the view from the Kenworth tractor-tank trailer that was directly behind the Freightliner tractor-trailer. Note how the driver's view of slowing traffic is obstructed by the trailer of the Freightliner. (Full Speed)

The simulations were produced on an HVE™ system using EDSMAC4. All of the programs are trademarked by the Engineering Dynamics Corporation.