Homeland Security Products Feed icon

This page lists the most recent reports and testimonies related to homeland security issued since April 1997.

Showing 125 items.

Coast Guard

Immigration Benefits

Homeland Security

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Arizona Border Surveillance Technology

Deepwater Horizon


Maritime Security

Federal Courthouses

Homeland Security

Personal ID Verification

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review

Homeland Security

Visa Security

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Maritime Security

Homeland Security

Economic Development

Homeland Security

Coast Guard

Combating Nuclear Smuggling

Coast Guard

Homeland Security

Federal Protective Service

Homeland Security

Aviation Security

Combating Terrorism

Federal Facility Security

National Preparedness

Rail Security

General Aviation

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Visa Waiver Program

Southwest Border

Border Patrol Operations on Federal Lands
GAO-11-573T, Apr 15, 2011

Overstay Enforcement

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Aviation Security

Border Security

Border Security

Criminal Alien Statistics

Measuring Disaster Preparedness

Maritime Security

Border Security

Homeland Security

Moving Illegal Proceeds

Aviation Security

Aviation Security

Border Security

Maritime Security

Border Security

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review

Information Sharing

Maritime Security

Border Security

Economic Development

Maritime Security

Responses to Questions for the Record
GAO-11-140R, Oct 22, 2010

Southwest Border

Secure Border Initiative

Recovery Act

Department of Homeland Security

Supply Chain Security

Information Sharing

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Public Transit Security Information Sharing

Building Security

Information Management

Disaster Response

Coast Guard

Combating Nuclear Smuggling

Supply Chain Security

Biological Laboratories

Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Pipeline Security

Homeland Security

Technology Assessment

Coast Guard

Maritime Security

Border Security

Department of Homeland Security

National Security

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Terrorist Watchlist Screening

Secure Border Initiative

Coast Guard

Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Maritime Security

Coast Guard

Government Operations

Homeland Defense

Homeland Defense

Secure Border Initiative

Homeland Security

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Nuclear Security

Emergency Communications

Coast Guard

Justice and Law Enforcement

Combating Nuclear Terrorism

Secure Border Initiative

Coast Guard

Homeland Security

Border Security


Department of Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Homeland Security

Combating Nuclear Smuggling

Supply Chain Security

Homeland Security

Aviation Security

Emergency Preparedness

Combating Illicit Financing

Homeland Security

Secure Border Initiative

Homeland Security

Combating Nuclear Terrorism

Emergency Preparedness

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