PSD Science Handouts

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About the Physical Sciences Division

PSD analyzes and diagnoses physical processes that influence weather and climate, to better understand and make predictions on global-to-local scales.
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Arctic Atmospheric Observatories

Long-term, intensive measurements of Arctic clouds, radiation, aerosols, surface energy fluxes and chemistry to understand the processes driving Arctic climate change.
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Atmospheric Rivers

These narrow corridors of concentrated moisture transport in the atmosphere are a key process linking weather and climate. When striking land, ARs can produce flooding rains that can cause damage to life and property.
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Hydrometeorlogy Testbed (HMT)

Conducting research on precipitation and weather conditions that can lead to flooding, and fostering transition of scientific advances and new tools into forecasting operations.
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Improving Hurricane Intensity Forecasts

Studies to develop, test and improve measurements of air-sea momentum & heat fluxes to help better predict hurricane track and intensity.
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Integrated Observations

Improving NWS coastal and marine weather forecasts to protect against loss of life and damage to the economy. Coastal storms account for 71% of recent disaster losses annually. Accurate, timely prediction of these events suffers from lack of available observations.
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International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere

IASOA coordinates activities regarding atmospheric observations at various research platforms throughout the Arctic.
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Interpreting Climate Conditions

Identifying the major sources of observed climate and weather patterns. Includes determining causes of observed climate variations that may not be unusual, but for which great public interest exists because of profound societal impacts.
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Technology Transfer

For more than four decades, PSD has developed, applied, and transferred to the commercial sector a wide variety of atmospheric and oceanic measurement technologies.
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Winter Storms and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers

The objective of the WISPAR experiment was to demonstrate the operational and research applications of a dropsonde system, developed for NOAA by NCAR, on the NASA Global Hawk unmanned aircraft.