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Water: Watershed Funding

Resources for State and Local Governments

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EPA Resources

Environmental Financing Information Network (EFIN)
EFIN is an outreach service offering electronic access to many types of environmental financing information for state and local environmental programs and projects. EFIN maintains a Web site of environmental financial tools, including links to A Guidebook of Financial Tools, publications and links to resources elsewhere on the Internet.

Financing for Environmental Compliance
This website is designed to describe a step-by-step financial planning process that can help your community determine capital asset technical and financial needs and find available air, waste and water resources to meet your compliance goals.

Handbook on Coordinated Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure (PDF) (78 pp, 1.26 MB)
Because there are numerous ways to coordinate funding for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) surveyed six states – Arizona, California, Montana, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington – to identify the keys to the success of their coordinated funding approaches. This handbook presents the lessons learned by these six states so that other states may understand the benefits and challenges of coordinating funding efforts.

Integrating Water and Waste Programs to Restore Watersheds: A Guide for Federal and State Project Managers
This manual provides a road map to conducting cross-programmatic watershed assessments and cleanups in watersheds with both water and waste program issues and presents innovative tools to enhance program integration. It also provides guidance on integrating assessment and cleanup activities to optimize available tools and resources and thus help restore contaminated waters and sediments efficiently and effectively.

Linking Wastewater Treatment with Water Resource Restoration (PDF) (2 pp, 27K)
This article provides a case study of how Ohio EPA has worked to fund both point and nonpoint source projects through a Water Resource Restoration Sponsor Program (WRRSP). The article reinforces the idea that wastewater treatment plant improvements and water resource restoration projects are complementary efforts.

Sustainable Financing Examples from the National Estuary Program
The National Estuary Program has employed multiple funding mechanisms to increase their capacity. This page highlights examples of funding mechanisms such as real estate taxes, special appeals, and license plate programs.

Using DWSRF Set-Aside Funds for Source Water Protection (PDF) (4 pp, 56K)
This factsheet describes DWSRF and source water protection. It also explains which activities are eligible for set-aside funding, and how states are using the set-aside funds.

Watershed Information
A roadmap to information services for protecting and restoring water resources, including resources on financial, technical, and hands-on assistance to support watershed efforts.

Additional Resources

Environmental Finance Center (EFC) Network Exit EPA Disclaimer
The EFC Network is a university-based program that provides financial outreach services to regulated communities. The Network consists of ten EFCs that provide advisory services; education, publications, and training; technical assistance; and analyses on financing alternatives. The EFC Network currently includes  Exit EPA Disclaimer : University of Southern Maine, Syracuse University, University of Maryland, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Louisville, Great Lakes EFC at Cleveland State University, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Dominican University of California, and Boise State University.

Internet Guide to Financing Stormwater Management Exit EPA Disclaimer
This Web site is designed to help communities find ways to pay for stormwater management projects. The site includes: an annotated bibliography of existing stormwater finance materials; a manual that discusses the financing options available to communities for stormwater management programs; a set of case studies that describe successful finance mechanisms that have been used in seven communities around the country; and links to other useful Web sites about stormwater management.

Financially Sustainable Water Infrastructure Exit EPA Disclaimer
One of the greatest challenges of water and wastewater system management is ensuring the systems financial health. The purpose of this website is to equip system managers, operators and staff with the tools to evaluate system financial health, to educate the utility board and the public and to overcome political barriers to making the system financially sustainable.

U.S. State and Local Gateway
The Gateway Web site is designed to give state and local government officials and employees easy access to federal funding information, including grant-writing tools, links to grants, and links to other funding directories.

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