Image of buffalo sculpture, mom and daughter and students walking on campus.

Family Weekend at CU-Boulder begins Sept. 28

Family Weekend includes a slate of on-campus events to showcase CU's programs, resources and faculty.

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Image of oldest tree on CU-Boulder campus.

If these old trees could speak

There are only two living witnesses to the earliest days of the university’s history, and our great loss is they cannot speak.



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Bob Cloutier stands in front of a grand piano.

Hitting the right note

Tuning pianos is an art. Robert Cloutier is the artist that keeps the College of Music sounding spectacular.

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Image of Loretta Ford with a stethoscope and heart next to her.

Revolutionary Nurse

How did one woman help bring health care to hundreds of thousands of Americans by pioneering the nurse practitioner movement?


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Image of Bob Sievers.

Continuing Education celebrates 100 years

The Division of Continuing Education has offered generations of students and community members access to university resources, courses and enrichment.

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Picture of student playing violin.

Music’s impact outside the concert hall


From inspiring inner-city youth with music they might not otherwise hear, to innovatively educating the musicians and teachers of tomorrow, College of Music alumni, faculty, and students plant musical seeds in diverse communities.

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With your involvement, we can renew the collegiate experience in ways that will create brighter futures in Colorado and around the world—one person, one discovery, and one community at a time.


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