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Cryosphere in the News

28 September 2012
Research intensifies over rapidly melting Arctic ice
"I didn't think it would rain so much at this height and abruptly erode the snowy surface." (The Asahi Shimbun, Japan)

28 September 2012
What happens at the poles: Lowest Arctic sea ice on record
"The affect of the Arctic sea ice diminishing will not just remain in the far north, we can (and should) expect more and more extreme weather as a result of this year's ice loss." (National Geographic)

26 September 2012
Peruvian innovators trying to save disappearing glaciers
"Peru is a dry country, dependent on glaciers for virtually all of its water supply. But as the climate changes, the glaciers are drying up and vanishing. But two Peruvian entrepreneurs have conceived homemade solutions to try and reverse the disappearance of Peru's lifeline." (Public Radio International)

25 September 2012
Antarctic seals survive arrival of massive icebergs
"The calving of the 4,250-square-mile (11,000 square kilometers) B-15 iceberg gave researchers a unique opportunity to examine how living things respond to an extreme event in their environment—in this case, the arrival of the chunks of B-15." (

24 September 2012
Expedition to study methane gas bubbling out of the Arctic seafloor
"In the remote, ice-shrouded Beaufort Sea, methane (the main component of natural gas) has been bubbling out of the seafloor for thousands of years. MBARI geologist Charlie Paull and his colleagues at the Geological Survey of Canada are trying to figure out where this gas is coming from, how fast it is bubbling out of the sediments, and how it affects the shape and stability of the seafloor." (Phys.Org)

20 September 2012
Glacier suffers one of the highest shrinkages on record
"Due to higher than normal temperatures this summer the experts found that the total 2011-2012 mass loss was more than 50 percent greater than the annual average at 1.63 meters water equivalent, a key measurement used to determine the size of glaciers across the world" (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

19 September 2012
Antarctic ice streams may trigger major melting
"The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf in the Weddell Sea, thought to be isolated from the open waters, is actually at risk for melting as warm ocean currents invade its underbelly, melting the shelf below." (CBS News)

19 September 2012
Nunavut government to make permafrost guide for homeowners
"In some parts of the western Arctic, melting permafrost is already a builder's foe. The shifting ground can wreak havoc on foundations, requiring expensive repairs." (CBC News, Canada)

18 September 2012
Research suggests alpine glaciers play critical role in carbon cycle
"Organic matter, once released from the glacier, may actually act to stimulate the heterotrophic metabolism in glacier-fed streams which otherwise typically lack energy sources. The ever-present carbon cycle carries on as microorganisms in glacier-fed streams may process the ancient organic carbon that will then leave the stream as carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide then cycles back into the atmosphere." (

18 September 2012
Manhattan-sized ice island heads out to sea
"Remember that enormous slab of ice that broke off Greenland's Petermann Glacier back in July? It's now on its way out to sea, a little bit smaller than it was a couple of months ago—but not much." (Phys.Org)

14 September 2012
Arctic sea ice melt "may bring harsh winter
"The unprecedented loss of polar sea ice may lead to wild extremes in the United Kingdom and northern Europe, say researchers." (The Guardian, United Kingdom)

14 September 2012
Antarctic plan hits iceberg
"Antarctica's Ross Sea is often described as the most isolated and pristine ocean on Earth, a place where seals and penguins still rule the waves and humans are about as far away as they could be. But even there it has proven difficult, and maybe impossible, for nations to agree on how strongly to protect the environment." (Khaleej Times)

14 September 2012
Melting glaciers key to greater reliance on hydroelectric power?
"The great glaciers of the Alps are melting. Several climate change scenarios, some of which are based on an average temperature increase of +4 degrees Celsius, predict their complete disappearance by the end of this century. As they retreat, the glaciers uncover cavities; these fill with meltwater, becoming lakes." (Phys.Org)

14 September 2012
Prehistoric glaciers reacted rapidly to a brief cold snap
"The study found that mountain glaciers on Baffin Island, along with a massive North American ice sheet, expanded quickly when the Earth cooled about 8,200 years ago. The surprising part of this is that the cold snap was extremely short-lived. The temperatures fell for only a few decades, and then returned to "normal" levels within 150 years or so." (

2012 :: archive

The following items link to media coverage of NSIDC in various news outlets, online magazines, editorial pieces, and blogs. The content of these articles and blog posts does not necessarily reflect the views of NSIDC, our collaborators, or our funding agencies.


Melting ice cap puts Europe's woes in perspective
The Globe and Mail (Canada), 28 September 2012

Another chance for polar bears, 28 September 2012

Antarctic sea ice reaches greatest extent so late in season, second largest extent on record
The Washington Post blogs, 28 September 2012

Sounding the ice cap alarm while ignoring the elephant, 28 September 2012

China in Arctic crossing first, 28 September 2012

New Arctic ice record: Earth image of the week, 28 September 2012

More evidence that Arctic sea ice will be gone within years
Business Insider, 27 September 2012

Arctic sea ice at its lowest ever, 27 September 2012

Canadians call emergency discussion on Arctic sea ice loss
Alaska Dispatch, 27 September 2012

NDP MPs ask for emergency debate on Arctic ice loss, 27 September 2012 (Canada), 27 September 2012

Mountain news: Withering Arctic sea ice is a concern, 27 September 2012

NASA releases imagery comparing record low Arctic sea ice to average levels, 27 September 2012

Climate extremes: Arctic sea ice melts to record low, 26 September 2012

Pangnirtung capitalizes on climate change
Winnipeg Free Press (Canada), 26 September 2012

Arctic sea ice extent concludes summer shrinkage at record minimum, 26 September 2012

As Arctic ice melts, shipping companies test new transportation route
The Korea Times, 26 September 2012

Climate skeptic attacks PBS for not reporting irrelevant information, 25 September 2012

Arctic sea ice cover hits record low, 24 September 2012

Record minimum for Arctic sea ice
Inland News Today, 24 September 2012

The climate clock is ticking: In 42 days, you can elect a U. S. president who makes a difference, 24 September 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level (Australia), 24 September 2012

University of Calgary professor says melting ice cap will lead to extreme weather
Calgary Herald (Canada), 24 September 2012

Climate expert: Record loss of Arctic ice could impact Wisconsin
Phys.Org, 24 September 2012

Safeguards needed as Arctic ice retreats further
Bird Watch (United Kingdom), 24 September 2012

What will ice-free Arctic summers bring?
Scientific American, 24 September 2012

Climate: Arctic sea ice extent drops to record low
Lake County News, 23 September 2012

Why it matters: Global warming
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 23 September 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Kitsap Sun

Saturday's letters: Rising sea level is cause for alarm
Tampa Bay Times, 22 September 2012

Now you don't
The Economist, 22 September 2012

While Arctic melts, Antarctic ice hits record. Is warming debunked?
The Christian Science Monitor, 21 September 2012

Antarctic sea ice and the art of climate distraction
Media Matters for America, 21 September 2012

Shrinking Arctic ice and the wicked backlash on our weather
The Washington Post blogs, 21 September 2012

Arctic sea ice at record low, WMO to consolidate data
The Times of India, 21 September 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record-low summer minimum
Philippine Star, 21 September 2012

Arctic ice "rotten" to the North Pole, scientist says
The Vancouver Sun (Canada), 21 September 2012

Polar sea ice could set another record this year
The Register (United Kingdom), 21 September 2012

Planetary emergency due to Arctic melt: experts
The Daily Star (Lebanon), 21 September 2012

Shell sues Greenpeace to stop Arctic protests, 21 September 2012

Arctic sea ice hits new low
Times Live (New Zealand), 21 September 2012

Arctic ice cover shrink to record low
India Today, 21 September 2012

Climate: ice-free Arctic ahead?
Summit County Citizen's Voice, 21 September 2012

Fast pace of Arctic ice melt a sign of "planetary emergency"
Irish Times, 21 September 2012

Arctic sea ice: What, why, and what next
Scientific American, 21 September 2012

Arctic sea ice cover smallest on record
The Australian, 20 September 2012

Ending its summer melt, Arctic sea ice sets a new low that leads to warnings
Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melts to record-breaking low, 20 September 2012

Fast-melting Arctic ice will have ripple effect
Independent Online (South Africa), 20 September 2012

Rapid ice loss will increase risk of extreme weather
Kansas City Infozine, 20 September 2012

Alarming: Arctic sea ice breaks record of a mere three weeks ago, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice cover shrinks to half the 1979-2000 average
The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice drops to lowest levels on record; extra weather compounds climate change
Indian Country Today, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low, data center says
Fox News, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice cover at record low
United Press International, 20 September 2012

Warning over Arctic sea ice levels
Herald Sun, 20 September 2012

Arctic melt bottoms out at new record low
ArsTechnica, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melt breaks historic records
U.S. News and World Report, 20 September 2012

Pondering the path to an open polar sea
The New York Times Dot Earth blog, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melts to all-time record low
USA Today, 20 September 2012

Insurers pressed to take lead in tempering climate risk
Bloomberg Businessweek, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice levels fall to historic low, 20 September 2012

When will the Arctic be ice-free in the summer? Maybe four years. Or 40.
The Washington Post WonkBlog, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice reaches record low as it shrinks to half the size it was in the 1980s
Daily Mail (United Kingdom), 20 September 2012

Extreme weather could come with record Arctic Ocean ice melt
CBS News, 20 September 2012

Melting Arctic heats up resource scramble
Al Jazeera (Qatar), 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melts to record low
CBC News (Canada), 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice in "uncharted territory," say researchers
The Christian Science Monitor, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: U.S.
The Times of India, 20 September 2012

Warm autumn may persist into winter for Northeast
Bloomberg Businessweek, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice hits record low
The Independent (United Kingdom), 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record
The Hindu Business Line (India), 20 September 2012

Arctic ice reaches least extent since 2007 summer season, 20 September 2012

Summer ice melt in the Arctic sets yet another record, 20 September 2012

1.32 million square miles
Time, 20 September 2012

Arctic ice melt (Australia), 20 September 2012

Earth loses its "air conditioner": Arctic ice cap shrinks to record low level, 20 September 2012

Autumn forecast: You might not need heavy coats for a while
Minneapolis Star Tribune, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice levels hit record low, scientists say we're "running out of time", 19 September 2012

NASA: Arctic cyclone breaks up sea ice
NASAexplorer on YouTube, 19 September 2012

MPs call for Arctic drilling halt
United Kingdom Press Association, 19 September 2012

Arctic sea ice shrank to record low
The Washington Post, 19 September 2012

U. K. lawmakers call for moratorium on Arctic oil and gas drilling
Bloomberg Businessweek, 19 September 2012

"Planetary emergency" due to Arctic melt, experts warn
Agence France Press, 19 September 2012

Arctic sea ice reaches new low, shattering record set just three weeks ago
NBC News, 19 September 2012

Arctic sea ice extent reaches record-shattering minimum
The Washington Post blogs, 19 September 2012

Summer takes unprecedented toll on Arctic, prompting global warming fears
The Waterloo Record (Canada), 19 September 2012

Belfast Telegraph
Belfast Telegraph (United Kingdom), 19 September 2012

Arctic sea ice retreats
The Canberra Times (Australia), 19 September 2012

Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low; half 1980 size
Associated Press, 19 September 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
Washington Post, Victoria Times-Colonist (Canada),, The Durango Herald, and Peoria Journal Star

Summer takes an unprecedented toll on Arctic ice, prompting global warming fears
Winnipeg Free Press (Canada), 19 September 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Edmonton Journal (Canada)

Arctic ice melts as climate changes (Australia), 19 September 2012

Nuclear retreat leads a clumsy climate dance
Climate Spectator (Australia), 19 September 2012

Arctic ice shrinks 18% against record, sounding climate change alarm bells
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 19 September 2012

Hunt for oil suspended after spill system fails (New Zealand), 18 September 2012

Climate change: optimizing regulatory and market forces, 18 September 2012

Polar Express
The Standard (Hong Kong), 18 September 2012

August 2012: Earth's fourth warmest August on record, 18 September 2012

2012 Arctic sea ice extent lowest ever recorded, 17 September 2012

Another temperature record goes in the books, 17 September 2012

Global swelter: World has third-warmest summer on record
USA Today, 17 September 2012

NOAA: August 2012 global temperature update, 17 September 2012

The Arctic's record breaking ice melt
NOAA Visualizations Lab, 17 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melt may trigger extreme European winter
Wired Science, 17 September 2012

Ice, please—climate on the rocks
The Globe and Mail (Canada), 17 September 2012

Ice-free Arctic is no more illusion
Deccan Herald (India), 16 September 2012

Summer melt hits new height, 16 September 2012

Thoughts on climate crisis speed—Polar ice "retreated faster than anyone expected, record smashed to smithereens", 16 September 2012

Harsh winter headed for Europe, thanks to record Arctic sea ice melt, 15 September 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest extent ever recorded
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 14 September 2012

The staggering decline of sea ice at the frontline of climate change
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 14 September 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low: live updates and reaction
The Guardian Environment Blog (United Kingdom), 14 September 2012

It's time to bridge the gaps (South Africa), 14 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melt "may bring harsh winter to Europe"
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 14 September 2012

Arctic has lost enough ice to cover Canada and Texas, 12 September 2012

Arctic ice melt could mean more extreme winters for U.S. and Europe, 12 September 2012

Climate change: real or not?, 12 September 2012

Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles
Nature, 12 September 2012

Rising temperatures
The New York Times, 12 September 2012

Arctic death spiral: video, 12 September 2012

"Astonishing" Arctic ice melt sets new record
National Public Radio, 11 September 2012

Arctic sea ice vanishes—and the oil rigs move in
Time, 11 September 2012

Melting on top of the world
Gulf Times (Qatar), 11 September 2012

Ice flow halts Shell's new Arctic well
CNN, 10 September 2012

Shell starts preparatory drilling for offshore oil well off Alaska
CNN, 10 September 2012

Arctic sea ice continues its worrying decline, 10 September 2012

Ice melt fuels need for climate change action
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, 10 September 2012

Further north than expected, the Arctic Sunrise reaches the edge of the ice cap
The Guardian blogs, 10 September 2012

Arctic sea ice continues is worrying, 10 September 2012

In U.S., 2012 so far is hottest year on record
Chicago Tribune, 10 September 2012

Melting on top of the world
The Guatemala Times, 10 September 2012

Shell begins drilling in Arctic waters, despite concerns over environment, increasing ice melt
Free Speech Radio News, 10 September 2012

Arctic sea ice hits lowest levels ever
The Indypendent, 9 September 2012

The driest season: Global drought causes major worries, 8 September 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:, and

Arctic sea ice falls to record low. Global warming?
The Christian Science Monitor, 8 September 2012

Pay no attention to the elephant: the convention and the climate, 8 September 2012

Three million years of ice, 7 September 2012

Arctic sea ice melts more each year
Voice of America, 7 September 2012

"Unprecedented," "Amazing," "Goliath": Scientists describe arctic sea ice melt, 7 September 2012

UVic to help monitor Arctic sea ice (Canada), 6 September 2012

Thin ice, 6 September 2012

Half of the polar ice cap is missing: Arctic sea ice hits a new record low, 6 September 2012

Arctic action: Greenpeace appeal, 6 September 2012

A sense of history unfolding on the Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise
The Guardian blogs, 6 September 2012

Record high Arctic melt indicates global warming is speeding up, 5 September 2012

As Arctic Council debate heats up, mixed reaction to Aglukkaq (Canada), 5 September 2012

Their view: Consequences of shrinking Arctic ice will be profound
Las Cruces Sun-News, 5 September 2012

How low can you go: Record Arctic sea ice melt continues
The Atlantic, 5 September 2012

Mysteries may thaw along with Arctic ice
The National (United Arab Emirates), 5 September 2012

David Suzuki: The threat of melting Arctic ice (Canada), 4 September 2012

Resolving jurisdictions key to saving "Amazon of the North" (Canada), 4 September 2012

A worrisome wet wake-up call from the Arctic (Canada), 4 September 2012

Three ways Arctic meltdown threatens the whole world, 4 September 2012

How will climate deniers respond if 2013 sets new heat records?, 4 September 2012

"Chasing ice" trailer documents photogapher James Balog capturing Arctic glaciers, 4 September 2012

The melting Arctic shouldn't be on the backburner
The Washington Post, 3 September 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Tehran Times (Iran)

Record retreat
Northern News Services, 3 September 2012

Editorial: Disturbing news on climate change
Denver Post, 3 September 2012

Dry and drier, 2 September 2012

Northwest passage voyage shows climate change impact on Arctic
Yahoo! News, 1 September 2012

Arctic sea ice record low is broken
Energy Tribune, 31 August 2012

Arctic pack ice hits all-time low
The Globe and Mail (Canada), 31 August 2012

Developing nations push for emission cuts, financing adaptation at Bangkok climate talks
Free Speech Radio News, 31 August 2012

Republican convention recap: As experts warn "The door is closing" on climate, the GOP mocks the problem, 31 August 2012

Finally, one positive impact of global warming, 31 August 2012

Arctic sea ice rejuvenating
The Voice of Russia, 31 August 2012

Skepticism melting away, 30 August 2012

Sailors take northernmost trek through Arctic to highlight record thaw (Canada), 30 August 2012

Classic climate feedback: Arctic sea ice extent lowest on record and still shrinking, 30 August 2012

Nations seek ways to cooperate on a range of Arctic issues, 30 August 2012

The Breton fisherman's prayer, 30 August 2012

Arctic melt will prompt energy rush
The Moscow Times, 30 August 2012

A letter to President Putin, 30 August 2012

Melting sea ice: bad for polar bears, good for China
International Business Times, 30 August 2012

Into the deep: Exploring climate change through a camera lens
Edinburgh Evening News (United Kingdom), 30 August 2012

The big melt: Arctic sea ice at record low, 30 August 2012

Arctic summer ice might thaw by 2015—or linger for decades
Reuters, 30 August 2012

An Arctic sea ice low point
Wall Street Pit, 29 August 2012

Canadian scientists worry over loss of Arctic ice (Canada), 29 August 2012

Arctic sea ice extent reaches new low in satellite history
The Carbon Brief, 29 August 2012

As shell struggles with logistics in the Arctic, the company asks for a drilling extension, 29 August 2012

Record melt of sea ice leaves Arctic vulnerable to rapid development
National Resources Defense Council, 29 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest ever, 29 August 2012

Arctic sea ice will vanish within three years, says expert (United Kingdom), 29 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at new low as it melts at twice normal rate, 29 August 2012

Arctic melt will impact climate before policy
Khaleej Times, 29 August 2012

Arctic ice retreats at alarming levels (Dubai), 29 August 2012

A less polar pole: Arctic sea ice at record low
NBC News, 29 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at new low as it melts at twice normal rate, 29 August 2012

Ice near in size to NZ melts in a day (New Zealand), 29 August 2012

It's official: Arctic ice lowest ever and still shrinking, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice has reached its lowest ever recorded extent, 28 August 2012

Shell seeks extension for Alaska Chuckchi Sea drill season
Reuters, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice levels reach record low
NBC News, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice cover shrinks to record low, scientists say
The Portland Press Herald, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low as melt goes on (Australia), 28 August 2012

Bad news for Arctic sea ice—Lowest extent in history reached, 28 August 2012

NASA: Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to new low, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice cracks record low, and more to go
World News Report, 28 August 2012

Arctic ice melts to record low
United Kingdom Press Association, 28 August 2012

Scientist sees Arctic ice loss firsthand
Alaska Native News, 28 August 2012

Greatest, earliest loss of arctic ice ever recorded
Kansas City Infozine, 28 August 2012

In climate landmark, Arctic ice melts to record low
Bankok Post (Thailand), 28 August 2012

Melting ice in a still-warming world
Independent Online (South Africa), 28 August 2012

Record sea ice melt in Arctic alarms scientists
Deutsche Welle (Germany), 28 Augsut 2012

Oops, we did it again: Arctic ice cap shrinks to smallest size ever (India), 28 August 2012

Why the Arctic is becoming a "giant slushie", 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest recorded levels
Mail & Guardian (South Africa), 28 August 2012

Arctic ice melts to record low levels
The Telegraph (United Kingdom), 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low, and keeps going, 28 August 2012

Arctic ice hits record low, with several weeks of summer melting left to go (United Kingdom), 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest extent ever
Hindustan Times (India), 28 August 2012

This isn't just natural variation anymore
Independent Online (South Africa), 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice melts to record low
Belfast Telegraph (United Kingdom), 28 August 2012

Arctic connections: Arctic sea ice reaches record low
The Vancouver Sun (Canada), 28 August 2012

Shrinking heat shield of the planet
The Hindu, 28 August 2012

Arctic becoming a "giant slushie," says scientist
CBS News, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low as melt goes on
Herald Sun, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low—extreme weather to come?
National Geographic, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice just hit a record low. Here's why it matters
The Washington Post Wonkblog, 28 August 2012

The mystery at the heart of this year's record-setting Arctic ice melt
The Atlantic, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at new low, likely to influence weather worldwide
Denver Post, 28 August 2012

Arctic ice shrinks to record low
The Christian Science Monitor, 28 August 2012

A new low for global warming: Sea ice retreats to furthest point on record
The Independent (United Kingdom), 28 August 2012

Arctic ice melts to new record low (Australia), 28 August 2012

Record Arctic ice melt "like a giant slushie"
New Zealand Herald, 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low (Qatar), 28 August 2012

Arctic ice hits new low (New Zealand), 28 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low as melt goes on (Australia), 28 August 2012

As Arctic ice reaches record low, meteorologists name humans dominant cause of climate change
Forbes, 28 August 2012

Arctic ice melts to record low: U.S. researchers, 28 August 2012

U.S. scientists record greatest, earliest loss of Arctic ice ever
ENews Park Forest, 27 August 2012

Sea ice in the Arctic reaches a record low
Seattle Post Intelligencer, 27 August 2012

Arctic ice at lowest level on record—human-caused global warming blamed
Reno Gazette Journal, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice melt hits record low, NASA reports, 27 August 2012

Global warming: Arctic sea ice hits record low
Summit County Citizen's Voice, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to new low, 27 August 2012

Arctic ice reaches lowest level ever (on record), 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice extent hits new low in August: data centre
Nunatsiaq Online (Canada), 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to new low in satellite era
NASA, 27 August 2012

Sea ice in Arctic at record low
The Daily Beast, 27 August 2012

Arctic ice cap takes a heating, satellites show
The Age (Australia), 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice will hit record low
Global Animal, 27 August 2012

University of Delaware scientist sees Arctic ice loss firsthand
University of Delaware, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice reaches lowest extent ever recorded, says CU Boulder research team, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice sets record low, and it's not over yet, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low and still melting
The Toronto Star (Canada), 27 August 2012

Sea ice falls to record low with over two weeks of melting left, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice is now at lowest point, 27 August 2012

Arctic ice shatters melt record
Mother Jones, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice cover shrinks to lowest on record, 27 August 2012

1.58 million square miles
Time, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low this summer
CTV News (Canada), 27 August 2012

Arctic ice at record low, expected to keep on melting
Reuters, 27 August 2012

Melting ice in a still-warming world
The Independent (United Kingdom), 27 August 2012

Another sign of a too toasty summer: Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low and still melting
Edmonton Journal (Canada), 27 August 2012

Sea ice in Arctic measured at record low
San Jose Mercury News, 27 August 2012

Climate landmark as Arctic ice melts to record low
Agence France Press, 27 Augsut 2012

Arctic sea ice reaches record low, NASA says
BBC News (United Kingdom), 27 August 2012

Arctic ice cap melts to record low "like a giant slushie", 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice reaches record low with weeks left in melting season
ABC News, 27 August 2012

CU-Boulder: Arctic sea ice has shrunk to lowest extent on record
Boulder Daily Camera, 27 August 2012

Scientists: Arctic sea ice at lowest level on record
USA Today, 27 August 2012

Satellites show sea ice in Arctic is at record low
The New York Times, 27 August 2012

No ice in Barrow, Alaska: Arctic ice shrinks to record low
Los Angeles Times, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest size observed, NASA says, 27 August 2012

Record for minimum Arctic sea ice cover falls with weeks of melting left
Alaska Dispatch, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at lowest ever recorded
United Press International, 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low, scientists say
Washington Post, 27 August 2012

Arctic ice cap shrinks to lowest level yet recorded
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), 27 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Stock & Land (Australia)

Arctic melt record will hasten energy revolution (New Zealand), 27 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest ever: satellite data
Centre for Research on Globalization, 26 August 2012

Shipping developers eye up route through melting Arctic, 26 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at record low
Eurasia Review, 26 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest ever: satellite data (Canada), 26 August 2012

Arctic sea ice at record low, report
RIA Novosti (Russia), 25 August 2012

Arctic ice reaches record low
Pravda (Russia), 25 August 2012

Himalaya rush, 25 August 2012

Greenpeace International head boards Gazprom (New Zealand), 25 August 2012

Arctic sea ice to hit record low, 24 August 2012

Arctic sea ice record low expected within days
Anchorage Daily News, 24 August 2012

Where did all the ice go? Arctic ice extent reaches new record low
The Arctic Institute, 24 August 2012

Arctic sea ice to reach a record low within days
Business Insider, 24 August 2012

Study confirms Arctic sea ice set to plunge to lowest measure on record (United Kingdom), 24 August 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low, by some estimates
Chicago Tribune, 23 August 2012

Librarians abroad: Lynn Yarmey, data curator
Library Journal, 23 August 2012

Arctic on thin ice as Earth heats up
The Australian, 23 August 2012

A warmer planet
Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates), 23 August 2012

Arctic sea ice levels to reach record low within days
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 23 August 2012

Treading on thin ice: Thawing arctic puts spotlight on Harper's northern ambitions
The Windsor Star (Canada), 23 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
The Montreal Gazette (Canada)

Arctic sea ice area shrinks to record low, according to some estimates, 23 August 2012

Arctic death spiral: How it favors extreme, prolonged weather events such as drought, flooding, cold spells, and heat waves, 22 August 2012

Antarctic Peninsula warms rapidly, again, 22 August 2012

Arctic cap on course for record melt: U.S. Scientists
Phys.Org, 22 August 2012

Arctic ice melting to a record low, scientists warn
The Independent (United Kingdom), 22 August 2012

Warning over melting Arctic ice
Irish Times, 22 August 2012

Arctic ice cap on course for record melt
ABC News (Australia), 22 August 2012

Arctic cap on course for record melt—scientists
Independent Online (South Africa), 22 August 2012

Arctic cap on course for record melt, 22 August 2012

Arctic ice set for record-breaking summer melt
Wired Science, 22 August 2012

Arctic ice cap on course to shrink to its lowest level
The Telegraph (United Kingdom), 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice record low may be set in August, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice expected to reach lowest point by the end of the month, 22 August 2012

Fast melt in Canadian Arctic may open Northwest Passage this year
Alaska Dispatch, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice expected to reach lowest point by the end of the month, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice on course for record melt, 22 August 2012

Arctic ice hits record low: What affects will it have?
International Science Times, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice set to hit record low within days
New Scientist, 22 August 2012

Graph of the day: Arctic melting record probably broken in August, 22 August 2012

Scientists reveal startling decrease in Arctic Ocean ice cover
Public Radio International, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice melting, about to hit record low: Report, 22 August 2012

Arctic sea ice set to hit record low
BBC News (United Kingdom), 21 August 2012

Arctic cap on course for record melt: U.S. scientists
Agence France Press, 21 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

Arctic sea ice set to hit record low by August-end, 21 August 2012

Arctic Ocean ice melting at record pace, 21 August 2012

Arctic Ocean ice to hit a record low, 21 August 2012

Arctic ice levels to reach new record low next week
Yahoo! News, 21 August 2012

Arctic summer melt—which records are being broken?, 21 August 2012

NSIDC: Arctic ice melting at faster rate than 2007 record year
Insurance Journal, 21 August 2012

Thaw in the Arctic to reach historical minimum record
Prensa Latina, 21 August 2012

Arctic ice extent heading for record low
United Press International, 21 August 2012

Arctic sea ice to hit record low, 21 August 2012

Arctic ice cover could be headed for a record low
PRI's The World, 21 August 2012

Arctic sea ice record now could be set in August, 21 August 2012

Arctic sea ice on track for all-time low this August
Alaska Dispatch, 21 August 2012

Arctic ice nears record low, 21 August 2012

Arctic sea ice could shrink to record lows, says polar scientist
Responding to Climate Change, 21 August 2012

Australia in the middle of the pack on climate action
ABC News (Australia), 21 August 2012

Arctic ice nears record melt, 21 August 2012

Report: Arctic sea ice set to hit record low
The Petri Dish, 21 August 2012

On the radar: Arctic sea ice melt
The New York Times Green blog, 21 August 2012

Arctic sea ice set to hit record low (India), 21 August 2012

Arctic death spiral watch: (Cryosp)here today, gone tomorrow, 20 August 2012

Chinese icebreaker first to cross Arctic Ocean, 20 August 2012

Arctic sea ice likely to hit record low next week
Reuters, 20 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
The Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Tribune,, The Malyasian Insider, and

Arctic sea ice hits record low for August
Summit County Citizens Voice, 18 August 2012

First Chinese ship crosses Arctic Ocean amid record melt
Reuters, 17 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:, and Vancouver Sun (Canada)

Arctic sea ice heads for record low, 17 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:, and

Wildfires threaten polar bear, 17 August 2012

Media turn a blind eye to record Greenland melt
Media Matters for America, 17 August 2012

Arctic sea ice heads for record low as melt beats forecasts
Bloomberg, 17 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

Rare wildfires threaten Canadian polar bear habitat
Reuters, 16 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
Chicago Tribune, and Times Live (New Zealand)

Greenland ice cap melt breaks record
Chronicle Herald News (Canada), 16 August 2012

Greenland ice cap breaks record for melting (Canada), 15 August 2012

Drought worries on both sides of U.S. border, 15 August 2012

Where did all the ice go? A closer look at the 2012 melting season
The Arctic Institute, 15 August 2012

Arctic sea ice continues to melt at record-breaking rates
Nunatsiaq Online (Canada), 15 August 2012

EcoAlert: Dramatic Arctic sea ice melt over a two-week period
The Daily Galaxy, 15 August 2012

Greenland ice sheet melting breaks record in 2012, 15 August 2012

Arctic sea ice on pace for record low in September, 14 August 2012

Fast melt in Canadian Arctic may open Northwest Passage this year
Alaska Dispatch, 14 August 2012

Arctic sea ice melt picks up, could set record, 14 August 2012

Powerful summer storm in Arctic reduces sea ice, 13 August 2012

Arctic anomalies: A strong cyclone, and boulders on an ice floe
Anchorage Daily News, 13 August 2012

Scientists scurry to figure out the status of glaciers on the roof of the world
St. Augustine News, 13 August 2012

Massive cyclone blows over central Arctic Ocean
CBC News (Canada), 12 August 2012

Arctic ice meltdown nears 2007 record
Vancouver Sun (Canada), 11 August 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Regina Leader-Post (Canada)

Hundred-year forecast: Drought
The New York Times, 11 August 2012

Unusual summer storm blasts the Arctic
Time, 10 August 2012

A closer look at ice impacts of a rare Arctic summer storm
New York Times Dot Earth blog, 9 August 2012

Arctic sea ice stubbornly stuck near record-low levels
Alaska Dispatch, 8 August 2012

Arctic Ocean ice melting gets worse
French Tribune, 7 August 2012

August Arctic sea ice extent a low record-breaker: data center
Nunatsiaq Online (Canada), 7 August 2012

Record high temperatures of 2012, 6 August 2012

Photo reveals giant Greenland iceberg heading to sea, 3 August 2012

Extreme weather and climate change: caution required but not reckless statements
Washington Post blogs, 2 August 2012

Frontier of the Future: How North American research is creating a more sustainable tomorrow
International Innovation, August 2012

Arctic sea ice tracks near record low in July
Summit County Citizens Voice, 31 July 2012

Arctic sea ice appears headed for new record low
Nunatsiaq Online (Canada), 30 July 2012

Greenland melts, open water in Arctic Ocean: scientists
Reuters, 25 July 2012

The great greening of Greenland
Climate of Change blog, 25 July 2012

Unprecedented Greenland ice melt alarming: NASA (India), 25 July 2012

Climate change in Greenland puzzles scientists, 25 July 2012

Satellite images show 97percent of Greenland's ice melting, 24 July 2012

Greenland's extreme July meltdown
Environment News Service, 24 July 2012

Will fire and brimstone help in the fight against climate change?, 24 July 2012

Arctic ice melt sets record
Inland News Today, 23 July 2012

Arctic ice melt
Arizona Daily Star, 23 July 2012

June 2012: Earth's fourth warmest June; heavy rains in Beijing kill 37, 23 July 2012

Shell unlucky with Chukchi ice; exceptionally low cover elsewhere
Petroleum News, 22 July 2012

June Arctic ice melt sets records, 17 July 2012

Polar bear lullabies
Discovery News, 17 July 2012

Northern Hemisphere warmest on record, Arctic ice has biggest melt in June
The Washington Post blogs, 16 July 2012

Seeing Arctic sea ice in 3D, 13 July 2012

Record amount of Arctic sea ice melted in June, 13 July 2012

Snow and ice cover in the Arctic the canary in the coal mine?
Oye Times (Canada), 12 July 2012

Warm June brought Arctic sea ice melting
United Press International, 11 July 2012

Greenhouse gas levels at highest point in 800,000 years (Canada), 10 July 2012

Ice, logistics delay Shell Alaska drilling plans
Reuters, 7 July 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
London South East (United Kingdom), and Oil and Gas Eurasia

Climate: Arctic sea ice near record low
Summit County Citizens Voice, 6 July 2012

Another reason the public is confused
Houston Chronicle, 6 July 2012

Arctic sea ice declines rapidly in June, 6 July 2012

Arctic sea ice "melting at a record rate"
Sydney Morning Herald, 2 July 2012

The Arctic faces yet another deep meltdown this summer, 29 June 2012

Arctic sea ice on track for another record summer melt, 29 June 2012

The Guardian jumps the gun on record June sea ice melt, 29 June 2012

Arctic sea ice at lowest June level ever, 28 June 2012

Arctic sea ice melting at record high, 28 June 2012

Arctic sea ice levels reach record low in June, 28 June 2012

Arctic sea ice recedes to record low for early June
Anchorage Daily News, 27 June 2012

Arctic sea ice levels at record low for June
The Guardian (United Kingdom), 27 June 2012

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest June extent ever observed
Alaska Dispatch, 26 June 2012

Operation Ice Bridge Q&A: Michael Studinger
NASA Blogs, 26 June 2012

An epic journey to a disappearing world
Businessweek, 25 June 2012

Arctic sea ice enters its final decline, 23 June 2012

Arctic sea ice hits record low for June 18: data centre
Nunatsiaq News (Canada), 21 June 2012

Photos: June's top five extreme weather events in the U.S., 21 June 2012

Boulder scientists: Declining Antarctic sea ice may affect penguin populations
Daily Camera, 20 June 2012

Emperor penguins threatened by Antarctic sea ice loss, 20 June 2012

Emperor penguins doomed by Antarctic sea ice loss?, 20 June 2012

Melting sea ice threatens emperor penguins, study finds, 20 June 2012

Melting sea ice threatens emperor penguins, study finds
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 20 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:, and (United Kingdom)

Emperor penguins threatened by Antarctic sea ice loss
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 20 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

Sea ice news: NSIDC's Dr. Walt Meier on this Arctic ice season, 20 June 2012

Stunning view of Arctic could be last of its kind, 19 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

Embedded educators: teacher research experience in Greenland with Operation IceBridge, 19 June 2012

Global warming: Arctic sea ice extent dips toward new lows
Summit County Citizens Voice, 19 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

About the coming sea ice Armageddon
Fabius Maximus, 19 June 2012

Gay and happy
Iceland Review Online, 19 June 2012

The vanishing north
The Economist, 16 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
The Chronicle Herald (Canada), and, Winnipeg Free Press (Canada)

Arctic death spiral: More bad news about sea ice, 16 May 201
This item also appeared in the following sources:
OPB News, and

Will Arctic sea ice reach a record low this year?
LiveScience, 15 June 2012

Arctic sea ice coverage variable, ends May below average: data center
Nunatsiaq News (Canada), 15 June 2012

Arctic sea ice dips below ominous milestone
Mother Jones Magazine, 14 June 2012

Colder winters may be new normal due to melting Arctic ice
ArsTechnica, 12 June 2012

Climate: May Arctic sea ice extent dips below average
Summit County Citizen's Voice, 10 June 2012

Warmest U.S. spring on record: NOAA
Reuters, 7 June 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
The Republic, The StarPhoenix (Canada), GMANews, and

A good proxy: LARISSA project studies ecosystem changes since Larsen A Ice Shelf collapse
The Antarctic Sun, 8 June 2012

Arctic ice extent below average this May, 7 June 2012

The climate change controversy—Is Arctic sea ice really shrinking?, 6 June 2012

Average Arctic ice extent in April
Petroleum News, 3 June 2012

Clinton to assert U.S. claim in scramble for Arctic
Reuters, 31 May 2012

Earth's 5th warmest on record, 18 May 2012

Arctic sea ice: claims it has recovered miss the big picture
The Washington Post, 16 May 2012

NOAA: Thinner sea ice may lead to more mercury contamination
Daily Camera, 16 May 2012

Arctic death spiral: more bad news about sea ice, 16 May 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:, and OPB News

National security implications of climate change requires serious study
Consumer Energy Report, 9 May 2012

Arctic sea ice cover near average in April: snow and ice data center
Nunatsiaq News (Canada), 8 May 2012

Editorial: Panetta's next war
The Washington Times, 7 May 2012

Climate: Seasonal Arctic ice cap meltdown begins
Summit County Citizens Voice, 5 May 2012

Lawrence Solomon: The lost debate
Financial Post, 4 May 2012

Antarctic ice melting from warm water (Australia), 26 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
CBC News (Canada),, Daily Mail (United Kingdom), New Zealand Herald, The Age (Australia), Sci-Tech Today, Huffington Post, and

Environmentalists call for military free Himalayan glaciers, 25 April 2012

Shrinking back: Larsen B Ice Shelf appears ready for final collapse
The Antarctic Sun, 20 April 2012

NASA MODIS image of the day: April 19, 2012 - Ice breaking up in Hudson Bay, 19 April 2012

Loss of world's largest wetland could tip ocean balance
The Daily Climate, 17 April 2012

Uptime institute commends Facebook for "Audacious Idea", 17 April 2012

As ice cap melts, militaries vie for Arctic edge (New Zealand), 17 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

Greenland may be slip-sliding away due to surface lake melting, 16 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:

As ice cap melts, militaries vie for Arctic edge
Associated Press, 16 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
The Moscow Times (Russia),, and

DHS introduces green police
The New American, 13 April 2012

Titanic disaster showed need for better iceberg tracking, 12 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following sources:
Vancouver Sun (Canada), Victoria Times Colonist (Canada), Ottawa Citizen (Canada), and Montreal Gazette (Canada)

Did Arctic warming sink Titanic?
Wall Street Pit, 12 April 2012

Titanic disaster unlikely to happen in this age, experts say, 11 April 2012

Amount of ice in Bering Sea reaches all-time record
The Register, 11 April 2012

Bering sea ice extent breaks records, 10 April 2012

Icebergs still threaten ships 100 years after Titanic, 10 April 2012

1981 climate change predictions were eerily accurate, 6 April 2012

Carbon dioxide helped end last ice age
Calgary Herald (Canada), 5 April 2012

Arctic sea ice extent below average in March: data center
Nunatsiaq Online, 5 April 2012

On global warming, cherry picking and publishing
Concordiensis, 5 April 2012

Climate: Arctic sea ice peaks for the season
Summit County Citizens Voice, 5 April 2012

CO2 helped end last ice age
Independent Online (South Africa), 5 April 2012

Thawing permafrost 50 million years ago led to warm global events, says new study
University of Colorado Boulder, 5 April 2012

Carbon dioxide helped end last ice age: U.S. researchers
Reuters, 4 April 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Independent Online (South Africa)

Increasing carbon dioxide levels ended the last ice age
The Christian Science Monitor, 4 April 2012

2001-2010: Warmest decade on record (India), 31 March 2012

Arctic sea ice hits its maximum extent for 2012, 30 March 2012

Arctic ice cap smaller than average in 2012, but not the smallest
The Baltimore Sun, 29 March 2012

Arctic sea ice hits maximum extent for 2011-2012; most four to twelve inches thick at most; will melt quickly
DemocraticUnderground, 29 March 2012

Arctic sea ice hits maximum extent for 2012
Discovery News, 28 March 2012

NASA image shows decline in maximum sea ice extent, 28 March 2012

Punkt krytyczny osi?gni?ty. Europ? zaleje wielkie tsunami! (Poland), 28 March 2012

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point
New Scientist, 27 March 2012

Alaska's brutally frigid winter tempers decade-long loss of sea ice
Alaska Dispatch, 26 March 2012

WMO says global warming accelerated in past decade
Summit County Citizens Voice, 25 March 2012

Most sea level rise due to melting polar ice, study confirms, 25 March 2012

WMO annual statement confirms 2011 as 11th warmest on record: Climate change accelerated in 2001-2010, according to preliminary assessment, 23 March 2012

2011: warmest La Niña year and lowest Arctic sea ice volume on record, 23 March 2012

NASA MODIS image of the day: The Bering Sea, 22 March 2012

Satellite spies ice-choked Bering Sea, 21 March 2012

Goodbye to the drought?, 21 March 2012

Ghiacci artici ancora in crescita! (Italy), 20 March 2012

Reversing Greenland Ice Sheet's melt-off could be impossible
Minneapolis StarTribune, 17 March 2012

Melting ice: Earth's white flag
GMagazine (Australia), 16 March 2012

CU researchers to help assess Himalayan water supplies
Summit County Citizens Voice, 14 March 2012

Loss of Greenland ice could become irreversible, scientists say
The Republic, 12 March 2012

Ice extent in Barents Sea less than half of average, 12 March 2012

February's Arctic ice cover in 2012 shows retreat: data center
Nunatsiaq News (Canada), 9 March 2012

Antarctica trek dramatizes the dangers of climate change
OPB News, 7 March 2012

Europe cold spell attributed to Arctic pressure shifts
Summit County Citizens Voice, 6 March 2012

Kite skiing across Antarctica in 81 days
The Epoch Times, 5 March 2012

Scientists' op-ed supporting EPA against legal challenge to endangerment finding
Climate Science Watch, 1 March 2012

Assault on clean air, science
Kansas City Star, 1 March 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
The Sacramento Bee

Arctic jet stream bringing cold weather to Europe
Environmental Technology Online, 28 February 2012

Snowy U.K. winters linked to Arctic melt, 28 February 2012

Shrinking Arctic ice linked to record dumps of snow
West Australia Today, 28 February 2012

Siku the polar bear goes live on International Polar Bear Day, 27 February 2012

Disappearing Arctic sea ice and more powerful storms?
ABC News, 27 February 2012

Melting Arctic link to cold, snowy U.K. winters
BBC News (United Kingdom), 27 February 2012

Study: Less Arctic ice means more U.S. snow
USA Today, 27 February 2012

Polar bear cub going live to save sea ice
CNN Blogs, 27 February 2012

Mildest winter in the city in years
New York Daily News, 25 February 2012

Image: Mackenzie Bay, Antarctica, as seen from space, 24 February 2012

Salmon the topic of geology talk
The World, 23 February 2012

Versant joins Electric Power Research Institute's IntelliGrid research program, 22 February 2012

Image: Amery Ice Shelf in east Antarctica as seen from space, 20 February 2012

What would you do if you got caught in an avalanche?, 20 February 2012

Avalanche in Washington kills three near popular ski resort, 19 February 2012

Arctic explorer at Wintergreen for book signing
Northlands News Center, 19 February 2012

Ice and snow in Alaska ground Seattle fishermen, 16 February 2012

Preventing a blowout in the Arctic, 15 February 2012

Unusual weather pattern freezes Europe, shifts Arctic ice, 15 February 2012

Once again, strange U.S. winter weather partly due to Arctic Oscillation
Alaska Dispatch, 14 February 2012

Satellites for climate checks get boost from Durban "awakening", 14 February 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
The Windsor Star (Canada)

Green space: Spring-like winter? Look to Arctic for a cause
Canton Repository (Canada), 11 February 2012

Arctic sea ice near record low levels in January
Summit County Citizens Voice, 9 February 2012

Massive crack in Pine Island Glacier continues to spread
The Daily Activist, 9 February 2012

The search for life in harshest, most extreme places: an Antarctic lake, maybe Mars and Europa, 9 February 2012

Global warming: CU-led study pinpoints Earth's ice loss
Summit County Citizens Voice, 9 February 2012

February going on December in the west, 6 February 2012

Daughter of first black man in Antarctica writing book on his adventure
Denver Post, 6 February 2012

Science behind the big freeze: Is climate change bringing the Arctic to Europe?
The Independent (United Kingdom), 4 February 2012

Giant crack in Antarctica about to spawn New York-size iceberg
National Geographic Daily News, 2 February 2012

Iced in Alaska: Earth image of the week, 27 January 2012

How we plowed before plows were invented
The Atlantic Cities, 26 January 2012

Ice in Bering Sea threatens crab fishery
The News Tribune, 26 January 2012

No receding ice
The StarPhoenix (Canada), 25 January 2012

Arctic temperatures continue rapid rise as 2011 breaks record set in 2010
Climate Progress, 23 January 2012

Winter ice marches across Alaska's seas, 23 January 2012

An illustrated guide to climate change in 2011
Climate Progress, 22 January 2012

Sebastian Copeland and Eric McNair-Landry open new route to South Pole, 22 January 2012
This item also appeared in the following source:
Digital Journal

Arctic sea ice melt futures
Business Insider, 18 January 2012

Public works crews clear roads for safety when snow hits
West Yellowstone News, 13 January 2012

Visualizing the link between ice extent and volume
The Arctic Institute, 9 January 2012

Arctic sea ice coverage third lowest on record
The Montreal Gazette (Canada), 6 January 2012

Winter Arctic update
Mother Jones, 5 January 2012

Images: Ice varieties along the Antarctic coast as seen from space, 4 January 2012

Where were the flakes?
The Sun Chronicle, 1 January 2012

2012 :: archive

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