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2012 :: 2011 ::2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007 :: 2006 :: 2005 :: 2004 :: 2003 :: 2002 :: 2001 :: 2000 :: 1999

2012 Events

11 to 14 June 2012

Polar Libraries Colloquy

From June 11 to 14, NSIDC will host the 24th Polar Libraries Colluquy, a conference focusing on the evolving role of polar libraries. Submissions are due March 16, 2012. For more information see the Polar Libraries Colloquy call for papers.

4 May 2012

Green Data Center Open House

NSIDC is hosting an Open House for stakeholders, policymakers, and energy organizations to tour our award-winning Green Data Center on May 4. Press are welcome to attend. Read about the Green Data Center at For more information, contact the NSIDC Press Office at +1.303.492.1497 or

23 to 27 April 2012

NSIDC Science at the International Polar Year (IPY 2012) Conference

NSIDC scientists will be presenting new research on polar science and data management at the IPY 2012 conference in Montreal, Canada. For more information visit the conference Web site at

17 February 2012, 11:00 a.m.

Seminar: Bridging the Gap between Science and Society through Scientific Data Literacy

NSIDC data curator Lynn Yarney will speak this Friday at the Colorado State University Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory about data management issues and data sharing. Scientific data are increasingly being recognized as a valuable community resource. How can scientists meet new guidelines from NSF and other funding organizations? What services are available? For details on the talk, visit the seminar series Web page:

23 January 2012, 12:00 p.m.

Mark Serreze speaks at INSTAAR noon seminar

NSIDC director Mark Serreze will speak about NSIDC's experiences in communicating the science of climate change to the general public. For more information visit the INSTAAR Noon Seminar Web site.

2011 Events

5 to 9 December 2011

NSIDC at the AGU fall meeting

Staff and scientists from NSIDC and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) will attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting held in San Francisco, 5 to 9 December. Visit NSIDC staff at booth numbers 1437 and 1439 in the exhibit hall.

15 to 17 November, 2011

ELOKA Workshop: Data management and local knowledge: Building a network to support community-based research and monitoring

In November, the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) project at NSIDC will host a three-day workshop at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Abstracts have been selected. During the meeting, researchers, community members, organizations, and projects will discuss issues surrounding data management for both local and traditional knowledge and information from community-based research and monitoring. Please visit the ELOKA workshop Web page for more information.

14 November 2011

Public Forum: The Arctic: Unique, Beautiful, Fascinating.

NSIDC Director Mark Serreze will join other Arctic researchers in a public forum in Boulder, Colorado, to talk about the unique environments of the Arctic.For more information visit

24 to 28 October 2011

NSIDC scientists at World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference

NSIDC scientists will be presenting new research at the WCRP conference in Denver, Colorado, from October 24 to 28. For more information visit the conference Web site at:

26 September 2011

Dr. Grant Ingram Distinguished Lectureship and Presentation, University of British Columbia

As part of a visiting lectureship at the University of British Columbia in Canada, NSIDC scientist Shari Gearheard will give a public presentation on 26 September, 2011.

12 September 2011

Ted Scambos to speak at Denver Café Sci

NSIDC lead scientist Ted Scambos will give a public presentation about his research in Antarctica, at the Denver Café Scientifique (Café Sci). For more information visit the Café Sci Web site at

September 12, 6:30 PM
Wynkoop Brewery
1634 18th Street
Denver, CO 80202

1 April 2011

Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Data Management and Local Knowledge

The Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) is now accepting abstracts for a three-day workshop on "Data Management and Local Knowledge: Building a Network to Support Community-Based Research and Monitoring." The workshop will be held on November 15 to 17 at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Abstracts must be sent to Heidi McCann ( or by April 15. Please visit the ELOKA Workshop Web page ( for further information.

1-3 February 2011

Second CryoSat International Workshop, February 2011

The second CryoSat International Workshop will take place in ESA/ESRIN, Frascati (Rome) Italy, from 1 to 3 February 2011. For more information, visit the ESA Cryosat Validation Workshop Web page (

2010 Events [top]

13-17 December 2010

NSIDC researchers at AGU fall meeting

Find a list of NSIDC and NSIDC-affiliated presentations and demonstrations. Visit NSIDC staff at booth numbers 320 and 322 for the latest data and information.

7 October, 2010

CIRES CSTPR Noontime Seminar: Arctic Sea Changes

NSIDC Director Mark Serreze will speak at the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Seminar. He will discuss how changes in Arctic sea ice conditions may affect shipping in the Arctic Ocean. For more information visit the CIRES events Web site:

4 October, 2010

CIRES Special Lecture: Arctic Seasons: An Inuit Perspective

Special guests Ilkoo Angutikjuak, Joelie Sanguya, Igah Sanguya, Rosemary Sanguya, Esa Qillaq, and Raygee Palituq, from Kangiqtugaapik (Clyde River) Nunavut discuss the Arctic from their perspective as Inuit who's families have lived off the land and sea ice for generations. The group is visiting CU as part of an NSF-funded project with NSIDC researcher Shari Gearheard, who lives full time in Kangiqtugaapik. For more information visit the CIRES events Web site:

8-12 June, 2010

International Polar Year: Oslo Science Conference

Abstract submission is now open for the Oslo Science Conference, an interdisciplinary science conference to explore the accomplishments of the International Polar Year 2007-2008.The conference includes sessions on data practices, polar research, and education. For more information, visit the conference Web site:

4 March and 31 March, 2010

Snow and Permafrost: Here and There, Now and Then

NSIDC Scientist Drew Slater will give a public lecture on climate change in the Arctic and the Rocky Mountains, entitled, "Snow and Permafrost: Here and There, Now and Then." On March 4, 2010, Slater will speak at Trinidad State Junior College in Trinidad Colorado. On March 30, he will speak in Durango at Fort Lewis College. The program is sponsored by the CU-Boulder Office for University Outreach. For more information, contact

2009 Events [top]

14-18 December 2009

NSIDC researchers at AGU fall meeting

Find a full list of NSIDC presentations and demonstrations. Visit NSIDC staff at booth number 325 for the latest data and information.

30 September through 1 October 2009

PARCA 2009 Meeting

The Program for Arctic Regional Climate Assessment (PARCA) will hold its 2009 meeting in Seattle on Sept 30 and Oct 1, right after WAIS-FRISP.

Date: Sept 30 and Oct 1. The day after WAIS-FRISP ends.
Location: Washington University, Seattle
Lodging: A block of rooms is being reserved
Contact: Ian Joughin who is organizing the meeting, and he will have a Web page with details set up soon. In the meantime, please plan your travel accordingly, and send a note to Ian if you plan to attend so he can get a head count and set up a mailing list.

Agenda (tentative)
General focus is Greenland
Field plans for 2010 and beyond
IceBridge (bed mapping needs, and links with ICESat and Cryosat)
Ice sheet mass balance--what will it take to converge the mass balance estimates using different techniques?
Toward a new DEM for Greenland

20 April 2009

Open House: NSIDC Roger G. Barry Office for Cryospheric Studies (ROCS)

On Monday, April 20 from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M., the Roger G. Barry Office for Cryospheric Studies (ROCS) invites the public to our first open house. Enjoy light snacks and beverages, and a slide show from a recent NSIDC traverse of Antarctica. Get in the drawing for a door prize, and take tours of the information center and archives. For more information contact

Please RSVP by April 13, 2009 to or 303.492.5171.

19 April 2009

Good Days on the Trail film showing

On Sunday, April 19 at 7:00 P.M., the University of Colorado International Film Series will show Good Days on the Trail, a silent color film featuring historical footage of University of Colorado student hikes in Colorado's Rocky mountains. NSIDC staff will provide live narration of the film.

To learn more about the film see the Good Days on the Trail Web page. For more information on the film showing, visit the International Film Series Web site at For more information, or to order a copy of the film on DVD, please contact NSIDC User Services at or +1 303.492.6199.

18 March 2009

International Polar Day: Polar Oceans

During the last two weeks in March, join International Polar Year researchers to learn about polar oceans. Events include live webcasts and educational activities. For more information, visit the International Polar Day: Polar Oceans Web site.

2008 Events [top]

15-19 December 2008

NSIDC experts present new research at AGU

Learn more about changing permafrost, Arctic amplification, international challenges in the Arctic, and more at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting. Visit NSIDC at booth 2052 for the latest data and information.

4 December 2008

International Polar Day: Above the Poles

On December 4, 2008, join researchers and educators around the world to learn more about research on the atmosphere and sky above polar regions. Sign up for a live "webinar" hosted by researchers in the Arctic and Antarctic, or explore educational resources at the IPY Web site.

To register for the live events or find more information and related links, visit the IPY Above the Poles Web site at

17 September 2008

Silavut Exhibit Grand Opening Gala

On Wednesday, September 17, visit the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History to celebrate the official opening of "SILAVUT Inuit Voices in a Changing World." NSIDC collaborated with the museum and Inuit elders in Nunavut, Canada to produce the exhibit.

Public events include a reception at 6 p.m., and a lecture at 7 p.m. by NSIDC scientist Shari Gearheard and Inuit elder Ilkoo Angutikjuak. Gearheard and Angutikjuak will speak about the exhibit and answer questions. Admission is free. For more information, visit the University of Colorado Museum Web site at

22-23 August 2008

Climate Change Symposium at the University of Colorado

"Meeting the Global Energy and Climate Challenge," August 22 to 23, will focus on climate change science and solutions. For more information, visit the conference Web site at

22 July 2008

NSIDC Scientist Speaks at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

On July 22, 2008 at 8:45 a.m., NSIDC scientist Tingjun Zhang will present a seminar entitled Changes in "Frozen Ground and Potential Impacts on the Carbon Cycle." The seminar is free and open to the public. For more information please contact the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory at +1 303.497.6893.

18 June 2008

International Polar Day: Land and Life

On June 18, 2008 at 11 a.m., join researchers from around the world in a live “webinar” to discuss polar landscapes and ecosystems, presented by the International Polar Year. In addition to the live event, IPY will host a variety of ongoing projects that may interest teachers and students.

To register for the International Polar Day event or learn more about Land and Life events from IPY, please visit the IPY Web page at

29 May 2008

NSIDC Scientist Speaks at EPA Event

On Thursday, May 29, NSIDC scientist Tingjun Zhang will speak at the Denver EPA's American Asian Pacific Islands Heritage Month celebration. The title of the talk is "The World's Cold Regions Become 'Hot.'" For more information about Zhang's research, visit

19 April 2008

Family Discovery Day: Polar Voices at the University of Colorado Museum

On April 19, from 1-4 pm, kids can participate in storytelling and crafts. The event coincides with the opening of a new exhibit, “Silavut: Inuit Voices in a Changing World.” For more information, visit the University of Colorado Museum:

15 April 2008 through 15 March 2009

Silavut: Inuit Voices in a Changing World

NSIDC and the University of Colorado Museum, Boulder collaborated on the development of this exhibit, which relates Inuit experiences of climate change. For more information on the exhibit, visit the exhibit Web site at:

16 February 2008

Slide show on Avalanche History and Snow Research

NSIDC Senior Scientist Richard Armstrong will present a talk on avalanche history and snow research in the San Juans at a buffet gathering in Ouray. See BackCountry Alliance Events for more information.

31 January 2008

NSIDC Participates in Focus the Nation Teach-In

The University of Colorado at Boulder is participating in a nationwide teach-in on climate change. Focus the Nation at CU will be held on January 31, 2008, and events include films, presentations, and panel discussions about climate change and solutions.

As part of the International Film Series, there are two showings of the movie "The 11th Hour: Intelligent Solutions to Planetary Distress," scheduled for 7:00 pm and 9:15 pm in Muenzinger Auditorium on the Boulder campus. A Question and Answer panel will follow the 7:00 showing, with experts, including NSIDC scientist Walt Meier, discussing issues raised by the film. For more information, see the IFS's page on the film and panel.

2007 Events [top]

10–14 December 2007

NSIDC Experts at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting

NSIDC personnel will be attending and presenting at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California. NSIDC staff will be in Booth 139 and will be available to field questions and provide data products and support.

5 October 2007

Preconcert Conversation with Julienne Stroeve

NSIDC Research Scientist Julienne Stroeve leads a conversation about sea ice and climate change at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her talk comes just before the Artist Series performance First person: stories from the edge of the world,which features Ensemble Galilei with National Public Radio's Neal Conan. Stroeve's talk will take place on the Boulder campus in Macky Room 102. For more information, visit the Artist Series Web site at

24 September 2007

The Basis of Recent Climate Change

NSIDC Senior Research Scientist Mark Serreze gives an invited lecture at The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference and Trade Show in Tucson, Arizona, that discusses current and past climate and the prospect of abrupt climate change. The lecture will take place at 8:00 am at the Tucson Convention Center. For more information, visit the annual meeting Web site at; to read Serreze's abstract, search for it by title.

18 September 2007

International Polar Year Webcast on Sea Ice

NSIDC scientists Walt Meier and Julienne Stroeve will share their research on Arctic sea ice with students during a live educational Webcast, broadcast via, starting at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Meier and Stroeve will be joined by scientists from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. The public is encouraged to send questions to For more information about the importance of Arctic sea ice, see Frequently Asked Questions about Arctic Sea Ice.

18 September 2007

Odyssey of a Giant Iceberg: What Icebergs Tell Us about Ice Sheets in the Climate Change Era

NSIDC Lead Scientist Ted Scambos gives a talk on Antarctic icebergs and climate change at the Boulder Public Library Canyon Theatre in Boulder, Colorado, on Tuesday September 18 at 7:00 pm. The lecture is part of the CU @ The Boulder Public Library Series and takes place at the Boulder Public Library Canyon Theatre (1000 Canyon Blvd; Boulder Public Library parking at 10th and Arapahoe). The lecture is free and open to the public; for more information, please contact the Boulder Public LIbrary at 303.441.4113. To learn about the expedition that informed Scambos's research, please see IceTrek: Exploring the Lifecycle of a Drifting Antarctic Iceberg.

6 September 2007

Planet in Peril: Polar Ice Update

NSIDC Senior Research Scientist Mark Serreze gives a lecture on the decline of Arctic sea ice at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) in Denver, Colorado, on Thursday, September 6 at 7:00 pm. The cost is $12 per museum member, $15 per nonmember. For directions and more information about the lecture, please visit the museum announcement at: For more information about the importance of sea ice, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions About Sea Ice.

22 April 2007

Film Showing: "Good Days on the Trail"

NSIDC is showing some of our rare archival footage as part of the International Film Festival at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU).

Featuring recently-discovered historical footage of CU student alpine hikes in the Front Range mountains, this silent color film provides a unique glimpse into the mountaineering lifestyle and familiar landscapes of the past. Watch students in the Mountain Recreation Department from 1938 to 1942 hike, climb, and camp in the Indian Peaks and nearby Rocky Mountain National Park. The showing includes live narration by university scientists, a brief history of the alpine program, a look at the science of local glaciers, and reminiscences of former students.

NSIDC will show the film at 7:00 pm on campus in the ATLAS Building, Film Studies Theatre Room 100; entry is $5.00. For more information or to order a copy of the film on DVD, see Good Days on the Trail, 1938-1942 Documentation.

8–11 March 2007

Ice Fest International Polar Year Celebration

NSIDC is participating in Ice Fest, a community-wide event in Boulder, Colorado, that marks the beginning of the International Polar Year (IPY). Ice Fest will feature films, science talks, and activities around the themes of snow, ice, polar research, and climate studies. The celebration is sponsored by NSIDC's parent organization, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES), as well as other organizations.

2006 Events [top]

11–15 December 2006

NSIDC at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting

NSIDC personnel will be attending and presenting at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting from December 11 to 15 in San Francisco, California. NSIDC personnel will be staffing Booth 616 and will be available to field questions and provide data products and support.

26 October 2006

Climate Change Pole to Pole: NSIDC Scientists Lecture at Denver Museum

NSIDC scientists Mark Serreze and Ted Scambos will talk about the state of Arctic and Antarctic ice at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. They will discuss current Arctic sea ice conditions and the effects of warmer temperatures's on Antarctic ice shelves and glaciers.

25 October 2006

NSIDC 30th Anniversary Seminar

NSIDC will host a one day seminar on 25 October 2006 to celebrate 30 years of the WDC for Glaciology, Boulder, and to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Stan Wilson to the NASA Polar Oceanography Program, the DAAC's, and their predecessor Pilot Data Systems. The agenda consists of four themes, with speakers and scientists involved in the development of the NASA Polar Oceans Program and the Boulder WDC.

13 October 2006

NSIDC Director Roger Barry to present Goldthwait Lecture

Barry will present the Goldthwait Lecture, "Arctic Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions," on October 13, 2006, in Columbus, Ohio. For more information, see the news release, NSIDC Director Receives Goldthwait Polar Medal.

7–9 August 2006

Asian Conference on Permafrost

NSIDC scientists Tingjun Zhang, Oliver Frauenfeld, Richard Armstrong, Andrew Slater, and Chris Helm will be attending the conference in Lanzhou, China. Zhang is convening one of several special workshops surrounding the conference; special sessions include geotechnical engineering in warm permafrost areas; climatic, cryospheric, and environmental changes in Central Asia; and monitoring, mapping, and modeling of mountain and high-elevation permafrost. A special focus will be on the recently completed Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

Zhang obtained a grant from the United States National Science Foundation to help defray the costs of attendance for students, postdoctoral candidates, and young researchers from all over the United States.

10–12 July 2006

Virtual Globes Scientific Users Conference

NSIDC is supporting this conference, which focuses on the scientific use of virtual globes. Virtual globes are desktop software programs, such as the popular Google Earth, that allow users to zoom in on a virtual Earth to view specific types and layers of information. The conference will be held at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

15–19 May 2006

9th Bi-Annual Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium

NSIDC is sponsoring the symposium, which will be held in Seward, Alaska. The conference focuses on remote sensing applications in the polar environments, and will provide a forum for exchanging research and encouraging cooperation in the circumpolar regions of the world. It will also serve as an excellent method to report progress on International Polar Year activities. NOAA at NSIDC project manager Lisa Ballagh will present a poster illustrating NSIDC data sets viewable through Google Earth.

14–16 May 2006

Antarctic Peninsula Climate Variability: Observations, Models, and Plans for IPY Research

The workshop will include presentations of recent climatological, oceanographic, and glaciological research in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP). A primary objective of the meeting is to develop a coordinated science plan for the International Polar Year.

3–4 March 2006

International Polar Year Data Management Workshop

NSIDC and the IPY Programme Office hosted a data management workshop at the the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, England to begin developing an implementation plan for the IPY Data and Information Service (DIS).

2005 Events [top]

5–9 December 2005

American Geophysical Union Fall Conference

Please visit NSIDC at booth number 921. You'll find information on new and updated data sets and tools, data resources for cryospheric and Earth science researchers, and information for journalists, educators, and the general public. Come by and learn more about how we can help you! Please see NSIDC at AGU, Fall 2005.

5–9 April 2005

Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting

Please visit NSIDC at booth number 423.

2004 Events [top]

16–17 November 2004

Workshop on EOS Snow and Ice Products

The intent of the workshop is to bring together current and potential users of EOS snow and ice standard products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - EOS (AMSR-E), Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensors. The themes of the workshop center on the snow and ice products and results, including validation results; integration of EOS snow and ice products into models; production of climate data records; and improvements to data access and availability.

8–10 August 2004

A Chronicle of Distinction: From the Arctic to the Andes
Roger Barry Symposium

The symposium will recognize the significance of Dr. Barry’s extensive accomplishments and contributions to the science of climatology, as well as his teaching and mentoring. The symposium will include a keynote address, scientific talks, an address by Dr. Barry, and a reception dinner.

23 January 2004

Arctic Perspectives on the Climate Change Debate

Dr. Mark Serreze, Research Scientist at NSIDC/CIRES, will be presenting a Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division Seminar/coffee on Friday, 23 January in the ARC Building (CU-Boulder, East Campus), 3100 Marine Street, Room 620, at 10:30 AM. The seminar will examine the role of human impacts and natural variability affecting climate, ice cover, vegetation, and oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns in the Arctic region.

20–28 August 2004

Special Symposium on Remote Sensing at the 32nd IGC

Present your work on remote sensing of snow and ice at a special symposium sponsored by the International Association for Mathematical Geology.

32nd International Geological Congress
Florence, Italy
August 2028, 2004

Special Symposium: Understanding Geology through Geomathematical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data


Ute C. Herzfeld, CIRES/NSIDC (
Daniel F. Merriam, Kansas Geological Survey

2003 Events [top]

11–12 June 2003

NOAA NESDIS Data Users' Workshop

The NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) will hold a Data Users' Workshop in Boulder, CO. NESDIS is the parent organization of the NOAA National Data Centers (with which NSIDC is affiliated) and of offices that provide operational satellite data products. Panel discussions will solicit users' opinions on current NESDIS products and services and inform users of future capabilities, plans, and data sets This will be an opportunity for you to provide comments on future data access through NESDIS. The workshop Web site offers registration information, the workshop agenda, a list of posters, and more.

28–29 May 2003

Cold Land Processes Workshop

A two-day workshop at NSIDC to discuss the data collected from the CLP field campaigns and future scientific applications of these data.

16–18 March 2003

A Workshop on Assessing Global Glacier Recession

A three-day workshop was convened at NSIDC, with the aim of evaluating current methods of determining the worldwide recession of mountain glaciers over the last half-century or longer.

2002 Events [top]

3–4 June 2002

Cold Land Processes Workshop

A NASA Cold Land Processes Workshop was held at the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, NH. The workshop agenda included a review of the data sets acquired in CLPX 2002, and a review of data collection plans for CLPX 2003. NSIDC staff participated in discussions of the management and distribution of CLPX data sets. For more information on the workshop, visit the Meetings and Events Web page for CLPX and scroll down to 7th Cold Land Processes Workshop: Hanover, New Hampshire.

For more information on the CLPX project, visit the CLPX project site.

16–17 January 2002

Global Geocryological Database Mini-Workshop

The World Data Center for Glaciology at NSIDC hosted a workshop for the International Permafrost Association's Standing Committee on Data, Information, and Communication. The primary purpose of the workshop was to plan the production and content of the Circumpolar Active-Layer Permafrost System, Version 2 (CAPS v.2) CD ROM. The WDC for Glaciology published the first CAPS CD in 1998; for more information about the CD, see CAPS CD. This follow-on version is to be released at the 2003 International Conference on Permafrost in Zurich.

The focus of the CD will be to publish data from for major IPA programs: The Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P), the Circumpolar Active-Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program, the Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD) Project, and the Cryosols database project. These are all part the World Meteorological Organization's Global Climate Observatory System (GCOS). The WDC for Glaciology also plans to publish a variety of other frozen ground related data and information in addition to data from these major projects.

For more information or to contribute data, please see the Frozen Ground Data Center at NSIDC.

2001 Events [top]

7–9 November 2001

NASA Cold Land Processes Workshop

NSIDC hosted an open workshop to continue planning the 2002 Cold Land Processes Field Experiment. The agenda included a review of data collection plans for the CLPX, data management planning, and discussions on CLP science and technology requirements.

For more information, visit the NASA Cold Lands Processes Mission site and view the workshop agenda, participants, minutes (PDF, 40 KB), and presentations (PDF and Microsoft Office PowerPoint®, various sizes).

October and November 2001

NSIDC'S 25th Anniversary Celebration

NSIDC celebrated its 25th Anniversary and a quarter century of cryospheric data management with October events in Boulder and December events at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco.

See also: Glaciological Data Report GD-30: TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. Monitoring an Evolving Cryosphere: Summary of the NSIDC Special Session at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2001 (PDF file, 2.4 MB), June 2002

2000 Events [top]

4–6 October 2000

American Polar Society 2000 Symposium

NSIDC hosted the American Polar Society's 2000 Symposium, "Polar Research from the Last Millennium to the Next." Symposium themes included:

  • Where Have all the Data Gone?
  • From Dog Sled to Satellite
  • Human Impacts on the Polar Environment

1999 Events [top]

15–16 March 1999

8th Annual Midwest Glaciology Meeting

NSIDC and the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) jointly hosted an informal meeting focused on the climate and dynamics of large ice sheets.

About 50 scientists attended. New results on Antarctic ice streams, the central West Antarctic sub-ice geology, and retreat of several Alaskan glaciers were discussed among the 40 talks and six posters given. Highlight talks included early SAR interferometric results mapping ice velocities over the Siple Coast (Ian Joughin), SAR mapping of surging in the Bagley ice field (Robert Fatland), early GPS vertical ice motion results for points within the West Antarctic ice sheet (Ian Whillans), tidal modeling of the Weddell Sea to facilitate the use of interferometric SAR over the Ronne Ice Shelf (Doug MacAyeal), and a report on unique firn snow 'megadune' structures in the East Antarctic (Mark Fahnestock).

For more information about INSTAAR, visit the INSTAAR Web site.

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center

Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)    University of Colorado Boulder