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STAR4 LAN Connectivity Documentation

The Local Area Network Option

Knowledge of UNIX, DOS & FTP
is essential in accomplishing the LAN option and use.


The ALDEN Electronics, Inc. STAR4 is configured to connect to a network via the BNC connector (Thin Ethernet) on the LAN card or the AUI connector (Thick Ethernet) on the LAN card. The default connection is the BNC connector. If the AUI connector is required, perform these steps:

  1. Shutdown the STAR4 PC
  2. Install the LAN Superdisk and reboot the PC
  3. After the EZsetup program starts, follow the prompts and change the connection type from BNC to AUI.
    NOTE: For a 10BaseT connection you will need to connect a transceiver to the AUI connector to convert the AUI to 10BaseT.

Once the connection method is established and the proper physical connections have been made, you are ready to configure the software settings of the PC to enable it to communicate over the network.


Several parameters of the STAR4 must be configured to establish network connections. Three major items that should allow you to establish a network connection are as follows:

  1. The STAR4 PC's node name ( The STAR4 is factory set with a nodename of wafs04 )
  2. The PC's IP address ( The STAR4 is factory set with an IP address of )
  3. The nameserver ( The STAR4 is factory set to not use a nameserver )


There are two basic network tests. They are PING and FTP

First test is the PING

At the command line of the STAR4, type ping (IP address) . If your hardware is properly configured you should get a response from the IP address you have specified. An example follow:


root@wafs04:/> ping
PING 50 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=10. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=10. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=10. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3. time=10. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4. time=10. ms

---- PING Statistics----
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)   min/avg/max - 0/2/10

Your results will differ depending on the ip address.

Press the Del key to cancel the test.

If you get no response to the ping, you probably do not have the proper physical connection. Review your connection.

Second test is the FTP

Once you have established a response to the ping, you are ready to attempt and ftp connection.

At the command line; Type ftp (ip address) or DNS name of the desired remote node (work station PC).

If you cannot establish an ftp connection to the desired node, review your network configuration.

After an ftp connection is established, you can transfer files from the STAR4 to other machines. You may want to establish an ftp connection from your remote machine to the STAR4 so that you can retreive the GRIB files. After retreiving the PCGRID (GRIB) files (refer to the PCGRIDS write-up), you can run PCGRIDS on your DOS/WINDOWS pc to display the GRIB products.


NOW that the connectivity has been completed and the two work stations can exchange files, the procedures for moving data from one PC to the other are discussed here.

Knowledge of UNIX, DOS & FTP
is essential in accomplishing the LAN option and use.

Moving data between the STAR4 and a remotely connected work station can be accomplished with the following steps,
THIS IS NOT A TELNET SESSION : (assuming each PC is a STAR4)

  1. FTP DNS name
  2. LOGON anonymous
  3. PASSWORD your name
  4. LS ( This will show you a file list of what products are on the STAR4. )

You must select a file and GET it using ftp and than use your PC's display programs to use the products. Knowledge of UNIX and STAR4 GEMPAK is required to use the GRIB files obtained. Depending upon desired use, scrip files are the best ways to automate any movement and processing or display of data.

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page last modified: May 12, 2003
Page Author: Internet Services Group
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