United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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  • What We're Doing
  • The NRC Commission listens to a briefing on strategic considerations associated with spent fuel storage and transportation, and the fuel cycle facilities program office activities, including priorities, emerging focus areas, budget and staffing plans.
    The NRC Commission listens to a briefing on strategic considerations associated with spent fuel storage… more…
  • A three-judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) panel begins an evidentiary hearing
    A three-judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) panel begins an evidentiary hearing… more…
  • NRC�s earth scientists play an important role in carrying out the NRC�s mission of protecting public health and safety.
    NRC's earth scientists play an important role in carrying out the NRC's mission of protecting public… more…
  • Graduates of the agency's latest Leadership Potential Program pose for a �class picture.
    Graduates of the agency's latest Leadership Potential Program pose for a "class picture." more…

Public Meetings

Public Meetings Calendar

Int’l Regulators Conference logo
Int'l Regulators Conference
on Nuclear Security

2013 RIC Conference logo
Regulatory Information Conference

NRC Meeting Webcast

Event Reports

Event Reports

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ADAMS Public Documents

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Open Government

Open Government

NRC Approach to Open/Digital Government

Students & Teachers

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Photos & Video

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