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Hasta La Vesta Google Hangout
The Dawn Mission's September 8, 2012 Google Hangout, featuring stories from Dawn scientists and engineers and updates on latest mission findings.
  Image obtained of the giant asteroid Vesta as it was departing
The animation from NASA's Dawn mission shows abundances of hydrogen in a wide swath around the equator of the giant asteroid Vesta.
  Image obtained of the giant asteroid Vesta as it was departing
This video highlights Dawn's top accomplishments during its orbit around the giant asteroid Vesta.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
  View of the Calpurnia Crater in Dawn's Farewell Portrait to Asteroid Vesta
A simulated flyover of the most intriguing landmarks on giant asteroid Vesta, as seen by NASA's Dawn spacecraft.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
View of the Rheasilvia basin in Vesta's southern hemisphere
This movie uses data from NASA's Dawn spacecraft to simulate the view from the spacecraft flying over the surface of the giant asteroid Vesta.
    This video reveals the dappled, variegated surface of giant asteroid Vesta
This video reveals the dappled, variegated surface of giant asteroid Vesta. The animation drapes high-resolution false color images over a 3-D model of the Vesta terrain constructed from Dawn's observations.
    An unusual hill on asteroid Vesta
This animation, taken with NASA's Dawn framing camera instrument, shows an image layered on a the digital terrain model of an unusual hill containing a dark-rayed impact crater and nearby dark deposit.
    Asteroid Vesta 3-D image
This 3-D video incorporates images from the framing camera instrument aboard NASA's Dawn spacecraft from July to August 2011.
Anaglyph image of Vesta's equator put together from two clear filter images, taken on July 24, 2011
This false-color video of the giant asteroid Vesta was created from images taken by the framing camera aboard the Dawn spacecraft.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
    NASA's Journey Above Vesta Video
New views of the second most massive object in the asteroid belt.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/

    Survey Ground Camera Lit
Animation of Ground-track of Dawn Spacecraft During Survey phase
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    Survey Orbit Earth Direct Li
Animation of Dawn's Survey Orbit as Seen from the Earth
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Survey Orbit Lit by Direct Sun
Animation of Dawn's Survey Orbit as Seen from the Sun
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    HAMO Survey orbit
Animation of Ground-track of Dawn Spacecraft During HAMO Phase
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    HAMO Orbit Lit by Direct Sun
Animation of Dawn's HAMO Orbit as Seen from the Earth
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    HAMO Orbit Lit by Direct Sun
Animation of Dawn's HAMO Orbit as Seen from the Sun
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
LAMO Ground Camera Lit
Animation of Ground-track of Dawn Spacecraft During LAMO Phase
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Animation of Dawn's LAMO Orbit as Seen from the Earth
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
  LAMO Orbit Lit by Direct Sun
Animation of Dawn's LAMO Orbit as seen from the Sun
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
  Asteroid Vesta
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
Animation showing the Dawn spacecraft flying above Vesta
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
    Animation showing the Dawn spacecraft leaving asteroid Vesta and arriving at dwarf planet Ceres
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
    Asteroid Vesta
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
    Star Trek Inspires Chief Dawn Engineer
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Asteroid Vesta
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/
  Star Trek Inspires Chief Dawn Engineer
  Dawn Movie   Dawn Lift Off Movie
Launch of Dawn on Delta II rocket
  Dawn Animations
- Dawn Animations (Flash) 2KB
- Dawn Animations (QT) 2MB
  Animation of Vesta
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope
- Animation of Vesta (QT) 2MB
  Image of Vesta
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope
Ceres and Vesta
Video of Framing Camera's view of Vega on December 3-4, 2007
- View of Vega (AVI) 18KB
- View of Vega (QT) 16KB
  Animated Rotation of Vesta
Credit: Starlight Animations
Interviews/Podcasts from Dawn Scientists
Chris Russell
Interview with Dawn Principal Investigator, Chris Russell, 3/15/08. Courtesy of ABC Science Show
- Listen to Broadcast
Runtime: 7:12 min. (QT)
    Tom McCord
WNYC Public Radio interview with Tom McCord and Tom Prettyman, 1/31/08
- Listen to Broadcast
Runtime: 18:40 min.
    Tom Prettyman
KKOB (Hi-Tech New Mexico) Interview with Tom Prettyman, 10/21/07
    Listen to JPL's Salute to Science Fiction with Keyur Patel & Carol Raymond
JPL's Salute to Science Fiction with Keyur Patel & Carol Raymond
- IT Came From Vesta Podcast Runtime: 4:49 min. (MP3)
Mark Sykes
Science Friday podcast with Mark Sykes on planet definition controversy, 3/2/08
- What's A Planet, Anyway? Runtime: 58 min. (MP3)
    Dr. Lucy McFadden
Dr. Lucy McFadden's search for meteorites in Antarctica, 8/08/08
    Great Planet Debate
Great Planet Debate panel discussions. 9/14-16, 2008, Johns Hopkins University
    Marc Rayman
Learn what Dawn scientist Marc Rayman finds the most intriguing about the Dawn mission.
Carol Polanskey
Learn how Dawn Science Ops System Engineer Carol Polanskey balances engineering with science, and her advice to young scientists.
    Stacy Weinstein-Weiss
Learn what Dawn's Vesta development manger, Stacy Weinstein-Weiss, finds most intriguing about the protoplanet Vesta, and how she came to work for NASA.
Podcasts From 2007 Dawn Educator Launch Conference
Cratering Lecture
Cratering Lecture
    What Makes a Planet? Lecture
What Makes a Planet? Lecture
    Instrumentation Lecture
Instrumentation Lecture
    Clickworks Lecture
Clickworks Lecture