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Workshop in Tunisia

Brief Overview

Representatives from the National Weather Service presented a workshop in Tunisia in collaboration with the Tunisian National Institute of Meteorology (NIM) focusing on hydrometeorological data collection and forecasting. Funding for the workshop was provided by the Department of State and the NWS. Bob Jubach of the NWS Office of International Activities coordinated the workshop and led the delegation and was supported by Dr. Ed O'Lenic of the Climate Prediction Center, Mr. Michael Istok of the Office of Science and Technology, Mr. Walter Smith of the Telecommunications Operation Center, and Dr. Ralph Petersen formerly of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The workshop started on 11 April and was completed on 15 April. On 13 April, the NWS delegation and NIM personnel went on a field trip to the northwest part of the country to visit meteorological observation systems at an agriculture site and at the Tabarka airport. The delegation viewed the data collection instrumentation and operations at both locations.

The emphasis of the workshop was on the institutional structure of the NIM, their vision for the future, various NWS meteorological and hydrologic forecasting technologies that could be transferred and applied in Tunisia, possible NWS technical assistance, and potential areas of collaboration. The NWS experience in its own modernization and in its supporting role in modernizing national meteorological/hydrologic services in other countries was highlighted in the workshop.

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