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Internatinal Activities Office - Improving the level of science, technology, operations, and services... world wide

Singapore's Bilateral

NOAA and the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS), Republic of Singapore, have a Memorandum of Understanding for technical cooperation in meteorology and climate for the purpose of establishing arrangements and understandings that facilitate the cooperation and coordination of activities and programs in meteorology and climate undertaken by both agencies. A key objective is to advance the capacity and capability of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) community to monitor and predict regional meteorological and climatic events and associated environmental hazards.

Key program areas include the following:

  • Activities that involve monitoring and prediction of transboundary atmospheric pollution
  • Activities to monitor and study regional environmental changes using remote sensing
  • Activities that support the improvement and application of climate forecasts
  • Activities that enhance the understanding of regional meteorology and climatology
  • Activities that allow the collaborative and mutual exchange of scientific and technical talent for the enhancement of mutual project objectives
  • Conduct of appropriate meetings, workshops and conferences for the mutual exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and ideas
  • Activities that contribute to the advancement of the capacity and capability of national hydrometeorological services within the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) community
  • Activities that support the implementation of approved regional and international environmental policy initiatives
  • Activities that support one or more international environmental objectives as identified in international forum in which the U.S. and the ASEAN participate

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