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Russian Federation's Memorandum of Understanding

The NWS administers a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NOAA and the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) for collaboration in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, and oceanography.  This MoU was signed in June 2005 in Geneva, Switzerland, by DOC Under Secretary of Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher and Director of Roshydromet, Dr. Alexander I. Bedritsky.  The broad objective of this cooperation is to allow the exchange of scientific resources, personnel, and technical knowledge that support the improvement or development of meteorological and hydrologic services for both countries.  More information about this MoU can be found by reading this press release.

During the period April 7 - 11, 2008, NOAA NWS hosted the second formal bilateral meeting with Roshydromet in Silver Spring, MD. A Protocol, agenda, list of participants, status report of the 2006-07 collaborative program, and agreed-upon Program of Activities for 2008-09 can be found below.


Key program areas include the following:

  • Activities that support the improvement of meteorological forecasts;
  • Activities that support the improvement of hydrological forecasts;
  • Activities that define the economic value of improved meteorological and hydrologic forecasts;
  • Activities that enhance the understanding of the role of regional meteorology on hemispheric and global weather and climate conditions;
  • Activities that support an improved understanding of an ability to manage and protect the world oceans and polar regions;
  • Studies that support data collection, sharing, compilation and processing;
  • Studies that support meteorological, hydrologic, oceanographic, and climate research and observations;
  • Activities that allow the collaborative and mutual exchange of scientific and technical talent for the enhancement of mutual project objectives;
  • The conduct of appropriate meetings, workshops, and conferences for the mutual exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and ideas;
  • Activities that support one or more international objectives as identified in international fora in which NOAA and Roshydromet and cooperating entities participate; and
  • Activities that improve hydrometeorological forecasting to reduce economic, societal, and environmental losses on a national level.

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