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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

Jan. 27, 2012 TP12-02


2010 Census

2010 Census Summary File 2 — This file provides detailed demographic information from the 2010 Census for up to 331 detailed race and ethnic groups down to the census tract level, adding a new layer of detail to the population and housing topics previously released from the census. The statistics are being released on a state-by-state flow basis and will be offered on embargo. For more information on the release process, visit the Summary File 2 press kit. (Scheduled for release December 2011 through May 2012.)

Census Bureau and National Urban League Host Forum on Black Population — The U.S. Census Bureau will host a forum with the National Urban League on the black population at Black Entertainment Television studios. This event will highlight statistics from the 2010 Census, providing a portrait of the black population in the U.S. Following the presentation, an expert panel will discuss the statistics and their implications. RSVP required. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/population/cb12-18.html>. (Scheduled for Feb. 1, 9 a.m. to noon EST.).


Education Products — Five sets of statistics addressing education are being released simultaneously. This includes Educational Attainment in the United States: 2011, a collection of national-level tables from the Current Population Survey that present statistics on the highest level of education achieved by various demographic characteristics. The other sets being released include Educational Attainment in the United States: 2009, a report that shows the monthly employment rates by educational attainment during the last recession, Field of Bachelor's Degree in the United States: 2009, the first report to examine results from the American Community Survey question that asked bachelor's degree holders to indicate the specific major of their degree, What It's Worth: Field of Training and Economic Status in 2009, a report that examines the relationship between educational attainment, fields of study, and eventual occupation and earnings, and a working paper on GED program recipients. (Tentatively scheduled for release at a webinar Feb. 23.)


Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll Summary Report: 2010 — This summary report provides statistics from the revised 2010 estimates for the employment of the nation's 90,000 state and local governments. It shows data on the number of state and local government civilian employees and their gross payrolls for the month of March 2010. Statistics include government functions such as education, fire protection, and police protection. Data are available for the nation and individual states. (Scheduled for release Jan. 30.)

2010 Service Annual Survey — This annual business survey provides the most comprehensive national statistics available on service activity in the United States (NAICS sectors 22, 48-49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, 62, 71 and 81). Shows operating revenue for both taxable and tax-exempt firms and organizations; sources of revenue and expenses by type for selected industries; operating expenses for tax-exempt firms; and selected industry-specific items. In addition, starting with the 1999 survey, e-commerce data were collected for all industries, and export and inventory data were collected for selected industries. (Scheduled for release in a webinar Feb. 2.) Media advisory: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/miscellaneous/cb12-21.html>.

2010 Annual Capital Expenditures — These data, based on the 2007 North American Industry Classification System, estimate business spending in 2010 for new and used structures and equipment at the sector level, as well as for three-digit and selected four-digit industries. The data provide the private sector, especially the business community, with a relevant, timely and accurate measure of current business conditions. These statistics are an important input for federal agencies constructing composite national economic measures, such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis' estimates of private-fixed investments, a major component of gross domestic product; the Bureau of Labor Statistics' estimates of capital stocks for productivity analysis; and the Federal Board's Flow of Funds accounts.
(Scheduled for release Feb. 8.)

Economic Indicators — The Census Bureau releases statistics that provide monthly, quarterly and yearly updates on key measures of the nation's economic condition. Upcoming releases include housing vacancies and homeownership, construction spending and manufacturers' shipment, inventories and orders. For the latest releases and schedule, go to <http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/briefroom/BriefRm>.

Profile America — Facts for Features

Women's History Month (March) — In commemoration of this annual observance highlighting and celebrating the varied and historic accomplishments of women, this edition provides statistical information on topics such as earnings, education, business ownership, voting, occupations, military service and marriage. (Scheduled for release in Febuary.)



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for January and February — Upcoming segments include going in the bag for “National Hot Tea Month” (Jan. 30) and truly chilling out in “Winter Surfing” (Feb. 18).

The daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>, with download options for MP3 (including podcast subscription) and WAV or zip files for the entire month (MP3).

Recently Released

(Released since Jan. 13, 2012)

2010 Census

The American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2010 — Jan. 25 — This 2010 Census brief discusses the distribution and growth of the American Indian and Alaska Native population in the United States at the national level and for regions, states, counties, places, and American Indian and Alaska Native areas. This brief also discusses the size and distribution of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings (e.g., Navajo, Inupiat, Yup'ik, etc.). The brief contains tables and figures (including maps) that display regional, state, county, place, and American Indian and Alaska Native area patterns. For more information about 2010 Census briefs, visit the online press kit.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb12-cn07.html>.

1990 Census Data Still Available Online — While nearly all of the files from the older version of American FactFinder have been uploaded to the new American FactFinder site, some products, like the statistics from the 1990 Census, have been archived and are no longer available through FactFinder. However, these statistics are still available. The easiest way to access them is using the 1990 Census reports published online. The 1990 Census Summary Files (SF1 and SF3) are also available on easy-to-access CDs and DVDs through our product catalog. Users who are more technically savvy can access the 1990 tables through the ftp site. For more information about the transition to the new American FactFinder, visit: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/miscellaneous/cb12-09.html>.


Technical Webinar: Overview of 2012 Release Schedule for the July 1, 2011, Population Estimates — Jan. 19 — A look at the various sets of population estimates for the nation, states, counties and cities to be released in 2012. Background information on the estimates program, including methodology, sources of the data and components of change, were discussed.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/population/cb12-13.html>.


C-SPAN: A Look at U.S. Manufacturing — Jan. 27 — Chris Savage, chief of the Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories and Orders Branch, appeared on C-SPAN's “Washington Journal” to discuss the U.S. manufacturing sector. His presentation included a rich mix of statistical visualizations and discussion. This is part of a weekly Friday series called “America By the Numbers” that features the federal statistical agencies. For more information and to view the presentation graphs: Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/cspan/manuf/manuf.html>.

2010 Annual Survey of Public-Employee Retirement Systems: State-Administered Pensions — Jan. 26 — Provides an annual look at the financial activity of the nation's state-administered public-employee retirement systems, including cash and investment holdings, receipts, payments, and membership information. Shows employee and government contributions as well as pension obligations. Data are shown for individual states. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/governments/cb12-19.html>.

Profile America — Facts for Features

Irish-American Heritage Month (March) and St. Patrick's Day (March 17) — Jan. 25 — You may not find a pot of gold at the end of this edition of Facts for Features, but you will find it useful and informative nonetheless. It is filled with statistical information from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas on the nation's Irish-American population and other facets of this celebration of all things Irish.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff03.html>.

Super Bowl XLVI (Feb. 5) — Jan. 25 — An array of statistics from the Census Bureau relating to the 46th edition of our most celebrated sporting event. The game has evolved into the nation's most-watched television broadcast of the year and the day on which it occurs, Super Bowl Sunday, into a de facto national observance. Includes statistics for Indianapolis, site of the big game, as well as cities represented by the two participating NFL teams.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff04.html>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for January — Profile America segments included a tough call in “30th AT&T Breakup Anniversary” (Jan. 8) and keeping the purity and essence in “Fluoridated Water” (Jan. 25). Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/profile_america/>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 19, 2012