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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

Nov. 6, 2009 TP09-23


American Community Survey

The Foreign-Born Labor Force in the United States: 2007 — This analysis from American Community Survey data looks at the characteristics of the civilian foreign-born vs. native labor force population on topics that include educational attainment, occupation and industry. (Tentatively scheduled for release in November.)


Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2007 — This report shows national-level trends of child-support income received by parents for children whose other parent lived elsewhere. The Census Bureau collects detailed information about child-support agreements or awards, such as reported amounts due and received, as well as other socioeconomic characteristics about custodial parents and their families. (Scheduled for release November 9.)

Selected Characteristics of Baby Boomers 42 to 60 Years Old in 2006 — This PowerPoint presentation provides a look at a variety of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the baby boom generation, such as geographic distribution, marital status, educational attainment and income, and compares them with adults in younger and older age groups. The analysis uses data from a variety of sources, including the 2006 American Community Survey, 2006 population estimates, population projections and Census 2000. (Scheduled for release November 9.)

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE): 2008 — These tables provide estimates of income and poverty for states and counties, as well as estimates of poverty and population for school districts, median household income and poverty rates of various age groups. SAIPE provides annual updates for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. (Tentatively scheduled for release in mid-November.)

Facts for Features

African-American History Month (February) — To commemorate and celebrate the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, the Census Bureau presents a collection of demographic and economic statistics about the black community.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for November and December — Profile America is a daily, 60-second audio feature that uses interesting vignettes from key events, observances or commemorations for that day to highlight information collected by the Census Bureau. Upcoming segments include dropping the dime on "Toll Roads" (Nov. 16) and getting into a scrape in "Safety Razor" (Dec. 2).

The daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.
December's features will be uploaded Thanksgiving week.

The URL for MP3 downloads, WAV files and subscription podcast access is <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/profile_america/>.
Profile America and Al Día daily features may be downloaded individually and for the entire month via zip files at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.

Recently Released

(Since Oct. 23, 2009)

2010 Census

Census Bureau Launches 2010Census.gov — Oct. 26 — In an effort to reach all American residents to inform them about the importance of the 2010 Census, the Census Bureau unveils an improved Internet site. The site's goal is to build a national dialogue about how everyone's participation helps paint a new "Portrait of America." This is the start of a massive outreach campaign that will be steadily growing as Census Day — April 1, 2010 — approaches.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb09-cn27.html>.

American Community Survey

American Community Survey 2006-2008 Data Release — Oct. 27 — This release includes three-year data for all geographies with populations greater than 20,000, providing only the second look at detailed socioeconomic and housing characteristics for geographies between 20,000 and 64,999 since Census 2000. This follows the Sept. 22 and 29 release of one-year (2008) data for all geographies of 65,000 or more.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/american_community_survey_acs/cb09-cn28.html>.


School Enrollment in the United States: 2008 — Nov. 2 — Could a recent trend toward two-year colleges be leading to an all-time high in enrollment? These tables examine a host of details about school enrollment for the population 3 years and older by social and economic characteristics, including age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, type of school, labor force status of mothers with school-age children, type of family, employment status of those enrolled in vocational courses, income levels, children of foreign-born and more.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/education/2009-11-02_education.html>.


Finances of Selected State and Local Government Employee Retirement Systems: 2nd Quarter 2009 — Oct. 29 — This survey provides quarterly summary data on assets, revenue and expenditures of the largest state and local government employee retirement systems in the United States, which comprise nearly 90 percent of national activity among such entities. It provides the most current data about investment decisions by state and local government employee retirement systems, which are among the largest types of institutional investors in the U.S. financial markets. These reports are published three months after each calendar quarter and show national financial transactions and trends for the past five years.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/governments/2009-10-29_governments.html>.

2008 State and Local Government Employment and Payroll — Oct. 26 — Which government function employed the largest number of people among the nation's state and local governments? These data show the number of part-time and full-time employees and payroll statistics for state and local governments by government function -- highways, fire protection, police protection, public welfare, parks and recreation and more. Government types include counties, cities, townships, special districts and school districts.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/employment_occupations/cb09-161.html>.

2007 Economic Census: Retail Trade Geographic Area Series — Oct. 23 — This is a series of national-, state-, county-, place-, and metro area-level data files on the retail trade sector (NAICS 44-45). These include data from industries such as car dealers, grocery stores, gas stations, electronic shopping, and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, sales, and payroll, number of employees, and other data items by industry. These data will be released through July 2010.
Internet address: <http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IBQTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=D&-ds_name=EC0744A1&-_lang=en>.

2007 Economic Census: Accommodations and Food Services Geographic Area Series — Oct. 23 — This is a series of national-, state-, county-, place-, and metro area-level data files on the accommodation and food services sector (NAICS 72). These include data for industries such as hotels, full- and limited-service restaurants, bars and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, sales, payroll, number of employees, and other data items by industry. These data will be released through July 2010.
Internet address: <http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IBQTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=&-ds_name=EC0772A1&-_lang=en>.

2007 Economic Census: Mining Industry Series — Oct. 16 — This is a series of national-level data files on the mining sector (NAICS 21). These include data for industries such as crude petroleum, natural gas, gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, sand, gravel and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, shipments, payroll, number of employees, value of product shipments and other data items by industry.
Internet address: <http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IBQTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=&-ds_name=EC0721I2&-_lang=en>.

Facts for Features

Holiday Season — Oct. 29 — A collection of facts and figures from the Census Bureau's data collection related to Christmas and other holidays this joyous time of year.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb09-ff23.html>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for October and November — Profile America segments include the haunting tradition of “Halloween” (Oct. 31) and scourging bacteria in “First U.S. Antibiotic” (Nov. 4).
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.


2010 Census: A New Portrait of America — Informational videos (including one in Spanish) addressing varied audiences and explaining how the 2010 Census will benefit people of every race and ethnicity are available. Testimonials describe the importance of a complete and accurate count and why the 2010 Census will be the most important count in our nation's history. It shows data collection operations in action. Running times vary (3-5 minutes).
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/portrait-of-america/index.php?v,n1>.

2010 Census B-Roll — Video documentation of census operations are available for use by broadcast media.
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/>.

Online Testimonial Gallery — Short statements of support for 2010 Census participation from key partners are available. Spokespersons stress the importance of answering the census questionnaire, the ease in responding and the benefits an accurate census brings to the nation and communities. Running times vary (generally 1-2 minutes).
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/testimonials/testimonials-partner/index.php?v,n22>.


Photos of 2010 Census operations can be found on the Census Bureau's photo site. Operations shown include address canvassing, the mailout of questionnaires, questionnaire drop-offs in rural areas (update/leave) and nonresponse follow-up, where enumerators visit housing units that have not mailed back a questionnaire.
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 19, 2012