Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt – Soldier 4 Life

We know there has been a lot of talk in the blogs about Teddy’s racing future and rumors that he is in training with the Army.

Well, we are here to confirm that those rumors are TRUE.

The Presidents Race, held at every Washington Nationals home game has quickly become a signature event for D.C. residents and tourists alike.  The race features four former presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt.  Although he is the first President to win a Nobel prize, Teddy has not won a single race (read more at  Some say it is a conspiracy; we saw an old Soldier who needed a little motivation.

Since Teddy is a veteran we realized what he needed was a little Army training to get back into fighting shape.  See, before he was President Roosevelt, he was Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt, United States Army.  He took time off from running the NYPD, serving as Secretary of the Navy and hunting cattle rustlers in Montana in order to serve in the Spanish American war.  You know, to relax a little.

He didn’t just volunteer, he created his own unit.  He was second in command of the first Volunteer Cavalry Regiment or the “Rough Rider Regiment” (the first U.S. volunteer cavalry regiment).  Teddy wasn’t running in the back of the pack then, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for valor in combat – the only President to have received the honor (and that’s two “onlys” if you are counting).

Some call him a war hero but he regarded himself the way Soldiers that serve today do; as a volunteer – committed to service and committed to his country.

Soldier for Life!

Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Raymond Odierno said it best, “Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier.” And because of our commitment to our Soldiers, past and present, we reached out to Teddy to remind him of his Rough Rider days and to reiterate our Warrior Ethos, “I will never leave a fallen comrade (no matter how many times he has fallen, tripped, or been  knocked down)” -   even if the person knocking you down is the Father of our Nation.

Most people don’t realize that every year the Army transitions 130,000 Soldiers out of the Army.  There are programs in place to help them look for and find jobs; for example, the US Chamber of Commerce’s Hire a Hero program which is a great start.  But Veteran unemployment is still high. Only with help from our communities will these deserving Soldiers have the chance to bring their skills into the civilian sector.  Much like Teddy, they are trained leaders, who are willing to sacrifice.  They are selfless, disciplined and innovative, with moral and ethical courage – these are the characteristics of the young men and women leaving our Army.

Soldiers leaving the service can and will continue to remain Army Strong in so many exceptional ways – they do so in private corporations, in their communities, and at times, on a national scale.  Teddy is just one such example.

Teddy is a Soldier for Life, and seeing him train with the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (the Old Guard) we’ll be cheering for the “Rough Rider” this week.

What are you doing for the Soldiers, Veterans, and their Family members returning to your communities?

Visit to learn more about the Army’s transition efforts.