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2011 Federal Duck Stamp Contest Results

Artists were asked to feature one of five species:

  • Blue-winged teal
  • Cinnamon teal
  • Gadwall
  • Mallard
  • Wood Duck

See a complete list of all results.
Artists look up your entry number on the Outdoor World gallery link.

First Place

2011 Federal Duck Stamp Contest winner Joseph Hautman -Wood duck

Artist: Joseph Hautman
Species: Wood Duck
Entry Number: 103

Second Place

2011 Duck Stamp Contest 2nd place winner- Adam Grimm- Gadwall

Artist: Adam Grimm
Species: Gadwall
Entry Number: 117

Third Place

2011 Duck Stamp Contest 3rd place winner Richard Clifton- Mallards

Artist: Richard Clifton
Species: Mallards
Entry Number: 60