
American Forces Press Service

 September 1998


Bosnian War Criminal Captured      

SARAJEVO, Bosnia - NATO-led stabilization forces captured another indicted war criminal here Sept. 27.


Cohen Vows to Combat Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Fight or fold -- that is America's choice when it comes to terrorism. Defense Secretary William Cohen vows America will never fold.


Southeastern Europe Forms Peace Unit      

SKOPJE, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - The United States will provide technical assistance for a new peacekeeping unit of about 3,000 military troops from this nation, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.


DoD's Hispanic Heritage Kickoff Highlights Women  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - DoD kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15 with ceremonies in the Pentagon highlighting this year's theme, "Hispanic Women in Leadership."


Military Leaders Sample, Rate New Field Rations      

WASHINGTON - Some of the military's highest-ranking officers assembled in the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon Sept. 10 for an unusual early-morning snack.


Caldera Calls for Help in Recruiting Hispanic Youths  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Hispanic community leaders must help reverse a high school dropout rate that prevents many willing Hispanic youths from joining the military, Army Secretary Louis Caldera said recently.


Accidental Deaths Decline in DoD      

WASHINGTON - Leadership involvement and a DoD-wide effort to make safety integral to the military training and operations have helped reduce accidental deaths dramatically across the department.


Don't Leave Home Without Your Visa After Nov. 30      

WASHINGTON - DoD travelers won't be saying, "Don't leave home without it," when they leave on defense business after Nov. 30. Starting Dec. 1, they'll be saying, "Visa, it's everywhere you want to go."


Hamre Orders DoD Web Security Review      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre directed a security review Sept. 24 to ensure information on publicly accessible DoD Internet sites does not compromise national security or place personnel at risk.


Cohen, Shelton Warn Readiness is "Fraying"      

WASHINGTON - Readiness is "fraying" in second- and third- echelon units, and "what we need to do is to make sure [the fray] doesn't turn into a tear," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said in a recent interview.


Internet Presents Web of Security Issues      

WASHINGTON - In a briefing room deep in the Pentagon earlier this year, Air Force Lt. Col. Buzz Walsh and Maj. Brad Ashley presented a series of briefings to top DoD leaders that raised more than just a few eyebrows.


U.S. Defense Chiefs Say Allies Stand Ready      

VILAMOURA, Portugal - With refugees about to face freezing temperatures and starvation in the mountains of Kosovo, time is of the essence in ending the crisis in the Serbian province, according to U.S. defense leaders.


There I Was: TRICARE Appointment Passes Muster      

WASHINGTON - She nagged me for weeks to call a doctor and get a prescription. "I could hear you trying to swallow all night," she complained groggily one morning. "It's starting to bug me."


United Nations, NATO Issue Warning on Kosovo      

VILAMOURA, Portugal - International leaders are moving closer to conducting strong, effective air strikes against Serb military targets to end the crisis in Kosovo.


Cohen to Meet with Foreign Leaders, U.S. Troops      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William Cohen departed Sept. 23 for high-level meetings in Europe and Africa and visits with U.S. troops in Macedonia.


DoD Bans Sexually Explicit Pubs, Video      

WASHINGTON - DoD will remove 153 periodicals and one video from installation stores for being sexually explicit, officials said Sept. 23.


NATO Readies Air, Ground Plans for Kosovo Crisis      

WASHINGTON - NATO defense ministers meeting in Portugal issued an activation warning for air operations in Kosovo, NATO officials said Sept. 24.


Sports Minded      

WASHINGTON - What three new arenas will debut in the National Hockey League this season, and who are the home teams?


Sports Minded      

WASHINGTON - What was the last National Hockey League team to win the Stanley Cup while playing in its first Cup finals?


Senate Raps Investigation, Chemical Warfare Training      

WASHINGTON - A new Senate report criticizes the federal investigation of Gulf War illnesses but generally supports findings suggesting there's no single cause of the illnesses. Moreover, most military units are not adequately trained to respond to future chemical or biological attacks, the report said.


Encryption: Protecting the Web      

WASHINGTON - Picture the Internet with millions of bits of your medical and financial information, credit card numbers, legal documents and personal e-mail speeding through cyberspace.


Health Benefits Open Season Marked by Higher Premiums      

WASHINGTON - Premiums for federal health benefits will increase by an average 10.2 percent in 1999, but with the higher costs will come improvements dictated by President Clinton's Patients' Bill of Rights.


Cohen's Vision for Strong Defense      

WASHINGTON - Bipartisan support, adequate military funding, along with interagency and international cooperation are needed to maintain a strong, flexible national defense, according to William S. Cohen.


Law Clarifies Credit Union Membership      

WASHINGTON - Federal credit unions can continue doing business as usual thanks to legislation President Clinton signed in August.


Crisis Looms in Kosovo      

WASHINGTON - Winter's approach in the Serbian province of Kosovo may create "a major humanitarian disaster," President Clinton warned Sept. 16.


Retirees Flock to TRICARE Dental Plan      

WASHINGTON - Officials expected about 400,000 military retirees and family members to sign up over five years for the new TRICARE Retiree Dental Program. Their estimate quickly climbed after 100,000 enrolled in February, the plan's first month of operation.


DoD Supports Spirit of Volunteerism      

Washington - The spirit of volunteerism – and opportunities to perform volunteer work – are alive and well throughout DoD.


Fly POW/MIA Flag on Sept. 18 Recognition Day  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The flag of the National League of POW/MIA Families will fly over the Pentagon Sept. 18 as the Defense Department observes National POW/MIA Recognition Day


Navy Medical Breakthrough Could Repair Hearing Loss      

WASHINGTON - Hearing-impaired service members and those whose jobs put their hearing at risk may benefit from a recent Navy medical breakthrough.


Clinton Briefed on Potential Readiness "Nose Dive"      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William Cohen, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Henry Shelton, the service chiefs of staff and heads of the unified commands met with President Clinton Sept. 15 to warn of a potential "nose-dive" in military readiness.


DoD Web Site Showcases Hispanic Heritage Month      

WASHINGTON - American Forces Press Service has established a web site to showcase news and feature articles recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month.


Redesigned $20 Bills Debut Sept. 24  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The government rolls out its new redesigned high- tech, tough-to-copy $20 bill worldwide Sept. 24.


Congress Lauds American G.I. Forum Founder Garcia  This story contains photos.    

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - A Mexican refugee who grew to be a doctor, soldier, war hero and presidential confidant was honored recently by Congress and the veterans group he founded more than 50 years ago.


Hero Medic Recalls Days of Terror, Years of Anguish  This story contains photos.    

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - Louis Richard Rocco hadn't thought much about danger and dying as he returned to Vietnam for a second tour in 1969. After all, he figured, except for the time a poisonous snake almost killed him, his 1965-66 tour had been uneventful.


Hispanics on the Rise as Largest U.S. Ethnicity      

WASHINGTON - Hispanics account for almost 11 percent of the American population, numbering near 30 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And their numbers are expected to triple by the middle of the next century, accounting for nearly a quarter of America's population.


Worth Repeating      

WASHINGTON - "It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance."


Overseas School Lunch Prices Unchanged      

DALLAS - Department of Defense Education Activity school lunch prices for the 1998-1999 school year will hold at $1.95 for elementary graders and $2.10 for all others.


Army Tests Land Warrior for 21st Century Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - American soldiers and Marines are already among the most deadly in the world, but a system called Land Warrior will soon make them unmatched.


Marshall Center Curriculum, Student Body, Impact Grow  This story contains photos.    

GARMISCH, Germany - The George C. Marshall European Center for Strategic Studies here is offering more courses this year to a broader spectrum of students than ever before.


Series I Inflation-beater Savings Bonds Debut      

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Treasury's Series I savings bonds made their debut Sept. 1 and may appeal to savers who are trying to keep up with inflation.


TRICARE Delivers Improved Health Care, Director Says      

WASHINGTON - Access. Quality. Cost. These are the three guiding principles of TRICARE as Dr. H. James Sears, a former Navy psychiatrist and retired rear admiral, steers the DoD health plan through the rough waters of often- negative opinion.


DoD Celebrates Total Force      

WASHINGTON - "Last year at this time, we were darn close to shooting at each other," Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre said Sept. 4 to assembled active and reserve component leaders. "We were too preoccupied with the fight [among ourselves] and took our eyes off the prize."


Uniform Costs Not Footing the Bill for Bosnia      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - Claims that DoD quietly boosted clothing sales store prices to pay for the Bosnia operation and other missions are false, according to a senior military officer who helps set prices.


NATO Updates Strategic Concept      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - In meeting after meeting, the allied defense experts work through the document word by word, sentence by sentence, page by page. They have to get it just right so all will agree. Otherwise, they'll have to go back to the drawing board in 16 nations.


Cohen: Nothing Beats Firsthand Look      

FORT DRUM, N.Y. - "I could stay in my Pentagon office every day and just deal with paperwork," said Defense Secretary William S. Cohen. "But you need to see what people are really concerned about."


Cohen Meets, Listens to Drum Soldiers      

FORT DRUM, N.Y. - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen saw a combat-ready division during a Sept. 2 visit here -- and heard an earful of soldier concerns about pay, health care, retention, personnel tempo, Bosnia, housing and, especially, military retirement.

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